This is a land of () because there is ()

This is a land of () because there is ()

This is a piece of land, because there is a hometown I miss very much

Make a sentence about the field

How did you get here?

Land use is ,…… Land is ,…… Land is ,…… . make sentences

Land is a part of our soul. Land is where we are born and where we grow. Land is the only place where we live. We should love it

9999 by 6666 by 21 + 3333 by 55


Given a positive scale function and a first-order function, their images pass through the point P (- 2,1), but the image of a first-order function intersects the Y axis at Q (0,3)
(1) The analytic expressions of the two functions are obtained
(2) Finding the perimeter and area of triangle pqo


The bottom area of a cuboid is 30 square meters, the height is 8 decimeters, and its volume is 1______ Cubic meter

8 decimeter = 0.8 meter, 30 × 0.8 = 24 (cubic meter), a: its volume is 24 cubic meters

7,7,3, - 3 are 24 points. Each number can only be used once


What are sin ∞ and cos ∞

Sin and COS are periodic, bounded functions, so what you're talking about
It's hard to know what sin ∞ and cos ∞ are, but their values are between 1 and - 1

5mm thick steel plate, 6cm wide, 30cm long, 480 pieces, how many tons of total weight

5 mm = 0.5 cm,
Volume = 480 * 0.5 * 6 * 30 = 43200 CC,
The specific gravity of steel is about 7.8 g / cm3,
Total weight = 43200 * 7.8 = 336960g = 336.96kg = 0.33696t

The formula for calculating the area of a circle is derived by converting a circle into a rectangle. After a circle is converted into a rectangle, the circumference of the rectangle is 8C longer than that of the circle
m. How many cm is the circumference of a rectangle?

Circumference of circle = length of rectangle * 2
The extra 8cm is the length of 2 strips, that is, the width of the rectangle is 4cm, and R = 4cm
2 * 3.14 * 4 = 25.12cm, that is, the circumference of the circle, then the length of the rectangle = 25.12/2 = 12.56cm, then the circumference of the rectangle is (12.56 + 4) * 2 = 33.12cm