1.38 degrees 48 minutes 18 seconds = how many degrees? 2.52.73 degrees = how many degrees, how many minutes, how many seconds? 3. (51 degrees 37 points + 32 degrees 49 points) * 2 4.51 degrees 37 minutes - 32 degrees 45 minutes 31 seconds It's not very clear here,

1.38 degrees 48 minutes 18 seconds = how many degrees? 2.52.73 degrees = how many degrees, how many minutes, how many seconds? 3. (51 degrees 37 points + 32 degrees 49 points) * 2 4.51 degrees 37 minutes - 32 degrees 45 minutes 31 seconds It's not very clear here,

38 + (48 / 60) + (18 / 3600) 0.73 * 60 = 43.80.8 * 60 = 48 52 degrees 43 minutes 48 seconds = (83 degrees 86 minutes) * 2 = 166 degrees 172 minutes = 166 degrees (172 = 2 * 60 + 52) minutes = (166 + 2) degrees 52 minutes = 168 degrees 52 minutes 51 degrees 37 minutes = 50 degrees 97 minutes = 50 degrees 96 minutes 60 seconds; 50 degrees 96 minutes 60 seconds - 32 degrees 45 minutes 31 seconds = (50-32

Mathematics in grade one of junior high school
Help me to write out the process and result
82º10΄25" /5=16º26΄5"
Conversion of degrees, minutes and seconds:
2700 "= 0.75 & ordm; (45 & 900;)
Pay attention to the last line

No mistake

Physics problems in junior one, thank you, please answer in detail, thank you! (29 20:5:56)
In order to improve the sensitivity of liquid thermometer, the following structure is correct
A. Add a very thin tube between the glass bulb at the lower end of the thermometer and the glass tube
B. Make the glass bubble at the bottom of the thermometer smaller
C. Make the inside diameter of the thermometer thicker
D. Make the inside diameter of the thermometer smaller

In this way, the temperature increases little, the expansion is little, and the increase will be very high, because the volume of how to add is the same. If the bottom area is small, it will be higher. The others have nothing to do with this
A. It's to keep it from going back when the temperature is low
B. It will make the thermometer react faster, because less Mercury will absorb the same energy and the temperature will rise more
C. It makes it less sensitive, the opposite of D
Do you understand?

It is known that the circumference of a sector is C (c > 0). When the arc length of a sector is what, it has the largest area? And get the maximum area

Let R be the radius of the sector and l be the arc length, then C = 2R + L and R = C − L2, so the area of the sector s = 12rl = - 14l2 + 14cl. It can be seen that when l = C2, the area of the sector s has the maximum value of c216. When the arc length of the sector is C2, it has the maximum area and the maximum value of the area is c216. So the answer is: C2, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; c216

Insert n numbers between 14 and 78 to form an equal ratio sequence. If the sum of all items is 778, then the number of items ()
A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7

Let the number of terms of this sequence be n + 2 and the common ratio be q, then 78 = 14 × QN + 1, so QN + 1 = 116, Sn + 2 = A1 (1 − QN + 2) 1 − q = 14 (1 − Q16) 1 − q = 778, q = - 12, QN + 1 = 116 = (- 12) 4, so n + 1 = 4, n = 3, N + 2 = 5, so B

Solve the equation: what is 9x out of 5 = 3x out of 8?

Because 9x / 5 = 3 / 8
So 72x = 15
That is, x = 15 / 72

Mom and dad are so hard,

Dad, mom, I'd like to say thank you for your upbringing. I also want to say thank you for your hard work. However, I still have some words from my heart. I'd like to take this opportunity to spit them out

If the square of a + AB = - 3 and the square of - 4AB + 3 (b) = 2, find the square of a - 3AB + 3B

The square of a + AB = - 3, - 4AB + 3 (b) = 2,
Add it up and you'll get
The square of a - 3AB + 3B = - 3 + 2 = - 1

The process of 9x-37 = 33 solving the equation

X = 70 / 9

Volume formula of cuboid and cube

Cuboid volume = length * width * height
Volume of cube = cube of side length