I have questions (22 19:45:56) Put a coin at the bottom of the empty cup, move the cup so that the eyes can't see the coin. Keep this position unchanged, and slowly pour water into the cup. As the water rises, can you see the coin? Try to explain why, How to move the cup

I have questions (22 19:45:56) Put a coin at the bottom of the empty cup, move the cup so that the eyes can't see the coin. Keep this position unchanged, and slowly pour water into the cup. As the water rises, can you see the coin? Try to explain why, How to move the cup

Squint at the cup. You can't see the coin (if the cup isn't transparent), for example, put it in front of you. This is mainly about refraction

It's 56 degrees, 25 minutes, 12 seconds

56 degrees 25 minutes 12 seconds is 55.42 degrees
Unit conversion, big for small multiplied by the rate, small for big, divided by the rate
For example, if you change degrees in 25 minutes and 12 seconds, you change small degrees into large ones, then 25 / 60 + 12 / 3600 = 1512 / 3600 = 0.42 (degrees)
So 56 degrees, 25 minutes, 12 seconds is 55.42 degrees

(1) how many degrees is 56 degrees 25 minutes 12 seconds equal to? (2) how many minutes is 2400 seconds equal to? About how many degrees? (3) how many minutes and seconds is 3.72 degrees equal to

It's on draft paper,
Give me a little fee. Thank you
That's right
My second year of junior high school

What is the quotient of two thirds of the sum of 703 and 283 divided by 51?
I always feel that this problem is wrong

It's wrong. Your judgment is right

4 / 15 of 15 divided by 7 / 12, what is the result?


A story book, originally planned to read 12 pages a day, actually read 4 more pages a day. As a result, it was finished five days in advance. How many pages does this book have?

270 pages (assuming the original plan is finished in X days: 12x = 16 (X-5), x = 22.5 days)

(3-5-1.5) the result of 17-12 * 51-8


Divide the 3-meter-long wire into 8 sections, each of which is 1 meter long______ It's three meters______ .

If each piece is 3 meters, 1 △ 8 = 18; if each piece is 1 meter, 3 × 18 △ 1 = 38

Function f (x) = {x + 2 (x ≤ - 1), X & sup2; (- 1 < x < 2), 2x (x ≥ 2). If f (x) = 3, what is the value of X?

f(x)= x+2,,x≤-1
= x² ,-1

The solution of mathematical equation in grade one of junior high school
1. The sum of a two digit number and a ten digit number is 13. If the number on the one digit and a ten digit number are transposed, the two digit number obtained is 27 larger than the original one, and the two two digit number (equation) can be obtained
2. One, the number on one digit is 8. Adjust this number to the front of the original two digits, and the new three digit ratio is 261 larger. How many are the original three digits?

1. Let ten bits be x, one bit be y, 10Y + X - (10x + y) = 27, x + y = 13, y = 8, x = 5, and the original numbers are 58 and 85
2. Let the first two digits be x, 800 + X - (10x + 8) = 261, x = 59, and the original number is 598