It's 70 degrees, 25 minutes, 12 seconds,

It's 70 degrees, 25 minutes, 12 seconds,

12 seconds = 12 △ 60 = 0.2 minutes
25.2 points = 25.2 △ 60 = 0.42 degrees
70 degrees 25 minutes 12 seconds = 70.42 degrees

The cost represents 78 degrees, 25 minutes and 12 seconds respectively

12 seconds = 12 △ 60 = 0.2 minutes
25.2 points = 25.2 △ 60 = 0.42 degrees
78 degrees 25 minutes 12 seconds = 78.42 degrees

What is the angle α equal to here?
If there is a point P (cospai / 5, sinpai / 5) on the terminal edge of angle α, then α = ()
C. 2kpai + 3pai / 10 (k is an integer)
D. 2kpai-9pai / 5 (k is an integer)
Please explain why,

So α = Pai / 5

For high school compulsory one chemistry (molar part), physics (acceleration and other first two units) PEP all formulas
I don't know what textbooks, extracurricular, a lot of... By the way, write what each letter stands for

N (amount of substance) = n (number of substance particles) / Na (Avogadro constant 6.02 * 10 (23rd power)) = m (mass of substance) / M (molar mass of substance) gas: under standard condition, n = V (volume of substance) / VM (molar volume of gas under standard condition, i.e. 22.4l / mol-1) solution: C (concentration of solution) = n

It is known that the equation (x + A / x) ^ 2-5x-5a / x = - 6 has two equal roots. Find the value of A
It is known that the equation [x + (A / x)] ^ 2-5x - (5A / x) = - 6 about X has two equal roots. Find the value of A

Let y = x + A / x, then y ^ 2-5y = - 6
Y = 2 or y = 3
When x + A / x = 2, x ^ 2-2x + a = 0, the two are equal, and a = 1 is obtained from Veda's theorem
When x + A / x = 3, x ^ 2-3x + a = 0, two equal, a = 2.25

Solve an equation: 9 / 5 * x + 6 = 2 / 3 * x, please
Write the process

9 of 5 * x + 6 = 2 of 3 * x X5 / 9-x2 / 3 = - 6 - X1 / 9 = - 6 x = 54

How much is the multiplication of 2x & # 178; - 84x + 113 = 0 cross
Anything will do

Can not cross multiplication, because 113 is a prime number (can refer to "prime number" Baidu Encyclopedia), so 113 decomposition does not open, can not cross multiplication!

Point P is in the third quadrant. The distance from point P to the x-axis is 2, and the distance to the y-axis is 3. Then the coordinate of M is
Point P is in the third quadrant. The distance from point P to X axis is 2, and the distance to y axis is 3. Then the coordinate of point m is

If the distance from point P to X axis is 2, then the ordinate of point P is 2, and point P is in the second quadrant
The distance from point P to y axis is 3, which means that the distance from point m to y axis is 3 and in the second quadrant
Then the coordinates of point m are (- 3,2)

If f (x) is an odd function with period 2 and the domain of definition is r, then f (1)=

So f (1) = f (1-2)
That is, f (1) = f (- 1)
Odd function then - f (1) = f (- 1)
So f (1) = - f (1)

Given the function FX = 1 / x ^ - 2, find the domain of FX and prove that the function FX = 1 / x ^ - 2 is a decreasing function on (0, negative infinity)

X ^ - 2 ≠ 0, X ≠ 0, f (x) = 1 / x ^ - 2 = x ^ 2, let M0
F (m) > F (n), so f (x) is a decreasing function on (negative infinity, O)