After leaving the first tram from station a and station B, they leave one at the same time every 6 minutes. If the tram is moving at a constant speed and it takes 30 minutes to reach the opposite station, a passenger takes a tram from station a to station B. how many trams does the passenger encounter on the way from station B? Solving linear equation with one variable

After leaving the first tram from station a and station B, they leave one at the same time every 6 minutes. If the tram is moving at a constant speed and it takes 30 minutes to reach the opposite station, a passenger takes a tram from station a to station B. how many trams does the passenger encounter on the way from station B? Solving linear equation with one variable

30 minutes to complete the journey, then the speed of the train is 1 / 30, the passenger on the way to meet the first train from station B is just in the middle of the journey, at this time has walked 15 minutes, that is, 15 / 30 journey, from station B has been issued, the second car has been running for 9 minutes, that is, 9 / 30 journey, this passenger on the way to meet from station B

Solving linear equation with one variable tomorrow
There are 34 workers in a workshop. On average, each of them can process 16 big gears or 10 small gears every day. We know that two big gears and three small gears form a set. How to allocate workers?

Set X person to process big gear and 34-x person to process small gear
There are 16 * x large gears and (34-x) * 10 small gears
Because two big gears and three small gears form a set, then
16*X/2 = (34-X)*10/3
X = 10 people to process big gear
34-x = 24 people to process pinion

Xiao Li goes from place a to place B by bike, and Xiao Ming goes from place B to place a by bike. They both go at a constant speed. It is known that they set out at 8 am at the same time. By 10 am, they are 36 km apart. By 12 noon, they are 36 km apart. The distance between a and B is calculated

Suppose the distance between a and B is x kilometers. According to the meaning of the question: X − 3610 − 8 = 36 + 3612 − 10, the solution is: x = 108. Answer: the distance between a and B is 108 kilometers

There is a round flower bed in the park. The diameter of the flower bed is 7.5m. A 1.5m wide path is paved outside it. How many square meters is the area of the path


The interval where the equation X-1 = lgx must have a root is ()
A. (0.1,0.2)B. (0.2,0.3)C. (0.3,0.4)D. (0.4,0.5)

Let f (x) = x-1-lgx, then f (0.1) = 0.1-1-lg0.1 = 0.1 > 0, f (0.2) = 0.2-1-lg0.2 = 0.2-1 - (lg2-1) = 0.2-lg2, ∵ lg20.2 = LG2 & nbsp; 10.2 = LG32 > LG10 = 1; ∵ LG2 > 0.2; f (0.2) < 0; similarly: (0.3) = 0.3-1-lg0.3 - (lg3-1) = 0

How much wire does it need to make a 6 cm long, 5 cm wide and 4 cm high cuboid frame with iron wire? How many square centimeters of paper does it take to paste a layer of paper on the outside of the cuboid frame?

(1) (6 + 5 + 4) × 4, = 15 × 4, = 60 (CM); (2) (6 × 5 + 6 × 4 + 5 × 4) × 2, = 74 × 2, = 148 (square cm); answer: at least 60 cm long iron wire and 148 square cm paper are required

9 × 1.2 & sup2; - 16 × 1.4 & sup2; calculated by factorization


A square with a circumference of 120 meters is equal to the area of a triangle. The bottom of the triangle is 60 meters. How high is it?

The side length of the square is 120 △ 4 = 30m
The square area is 30 × 30 = 900 square meters
The height of triangle is 900 × 2 △ 60 = 30m

In △ ABC, the opposite sides of angles a, B and C are a, B and C respectively. Angles a, B and C form an arithmetic sequence. (I) find the value of CoSb; (II) find the value of sinasinc by forming an arithmetic sequence of sides a, B and C

(I) from 2B = a + C, a + B + C = 180 °, B = 60 °, CoSb = 12 According to the sine theorem, we get that sin2b = sinasinc, CoSb = 12, sinasinc = 1-cos2b = 34 According to the cosine theorem, we can find that B 2 = AC and COS B = 12

A rectangular water tank with a square bottom is 4 decimeters high and a side area of 40 square decimeters. What is the volume of the tank?

Side area = perimeter of bottom surface × height
Then the perimeter of the bottom surface = 40 / 4 = 10 decimeters
Then the side length of the bottom square = 10 / 4 = 2.5 decimeters
Then volume = 2.5 × 2.5 × 4 = 25 liters