The calculation formula of Ohm's law

The calculation formula of Ohm's law

The current in a conductor is proportional to the voltage at both ends of the conductor and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor
Formula I = u / R
Voltage ~ V
Resistance ~ ohm
Current ~ ampere

For the understanding of Ohm's law formula I = ur, the error in the following statement is ()
A. For a conductor, the current in the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage at both ends. B. under the same voltage, the current in different conductors is inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. C. The current in the conductor is related to the resistance of the conductor and the voltage at both ends. D. r = UI is obtained from I = ur, indicating that R is positively proportional to u and inversely proportional to I

A. For a conductor, the current in the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage at both ends. For a conductor, it means that the resistance is certain, so the current in the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage at both ends

My mother said to Xiao Hong, "I'm going to work overtime today. I won't come back for dinner."

Mother told Xiao Hong that she would work overtime today and would not come back for dinner

Find the range of the following function: y = x + 1 / X

A function in the form of y = ax + B / X (a, B are all positive numbers) becomes a check function; [X09] this function is an odd function, symmetrical about the origin. Take the first quadrant as an example: the solution of check bottom is to let AX = B / x, then x = √ (B / a), which is decreasing in the interval (0, √ (B / a)) and increasing in the interval (√ (B / a), + ∞)

1. If f (x-1) = x ^ 2 + X, then f (2)=______ ,f(x+2)=________
2. If the function f (x) = - 2x ^ 2 - (a + 1) X-1 increases on [2,3], then the range of a is_____ Just consider the axis of symmetry
3. The maximum value of function f (x) = x / (x ^ 2 + X + 1) (x > = 0)______ Why do I think there is only a minimum
4. Given that the domain of F (x) is [0,1], find the domain of F (x + a) + F (x-a)

1. F (x-1) = x ^ 2 + X has f (x) = (x + 1) ^ 2 + X + 1F (2) = 12F (x + 2)=_ (x + 3) ^ 2 + X + 32. Only consider the axis of symmetry can not, but also consider the opening of two cases, the opening up, the axis of symmetry in the left of 2, the opening down, the axis of symmetry in the right of 3, please consider, if you want to solve in detail, can hi i 3

Wang Fei went to the mountain library to borrow books. He walked 3 kilometers an hour up the mountain and 5 kilometers an hour back from the original road

Mathematical answer group for you to answer, I hope to help you
(1 + 1) / (1 / 3 + 1 / 5) = 15 / 4 km / h
His average speed up and down the mountain is 15 / 4 kilometers per hour

Finding all second order matrices of a matrix whose square is equal to zero

If the square of ABCD matrix is 0, then a ^ 2 + BC = 0, AB + BD = 0, AC + CD = 0, BC + D ^ 2 = 0, if B = 0, then a = 0, d = 0, C any, if C = 0, then a = 0, d = 0, C any, if BC ≠ 0, then a = - D, BC = - D ^ 2

Each of followed by singular or plural?

Each of the boys gets a book from me.
The boys is plural, but only "every boy" gets "gets" as singular
Like both, each is only used before the plural and can be followed by of + these / those

A new batch of books was bought in the bookstore. One third of the total books were bought on the first day, 40% of the total books were bought on the second day, and 200 more books were sold on the second day than the first
How many copies are sold the next day

Let the total number of books be X:
Then: 40% X-1 / 3x = 200
Find x = 3000
So: the total number of copies sold the next day is 40% x = 1200

Draw the largest triangle in a rectangle. The area of the triangle is half the area of the rectangle______ (judge right or wrong)

Draw the largest triangle in a rectangle, the bottom of the largest triangle = the length of the rectangle, the height of the largest triangle = the width of the rectangle, the area of the rectangle = length × width, the area of the largest triangle = bottom × height △ 2 = length × width = the area of the rectangle △ 2; so the area of the triangle is half of the area of the rectangle