The contradiction between Ohm's law and Joule's law With the same rated voltage, the higher the rated power is, the smaller the resistance is, and the more heat is generated per unit time. However, according to Joule's law, with the same current, the larger the resistance is, and the more heat is generated per unit time There seems to be a contradiction between the two. Why? Experts help~~~~~~~~

The contradiction between Ohm's law and Joule's law With the same rated voltage, the higher the rated power is, the smaller the resistance is, and the more heat is generated per unit time. However, according to Joule's law, with the same current, the larger the resistance is, and the more heat is generated per unit time There seems to be a contradiction between the two. Why? Experts help~~~~~~~~

There is no contradiction at all. The electric power W = u.u/r, the smaller R is, the more light energy will be converted from electric energy, while the thermal power W = ur = i.i.r, the larger R is, the more heat energy will be converted. These are two different forms of energy, so the purpose of boosting voltage and reducing resistance during power transmission is to reduce the loss of electric energy converted into heat energy

Modified formula of Ohm's law
We must be more correct

There will be more changes. Let's go ahead

Ohm's law deformation formula, and the relationship between the various changes
(2) When the current is constant, the voltage and resistance are proportional
When a certain voltage, the current and resistance are proportional
When the resistance is constant, the voltage and current are proportional

Inverse ratio, inverse ratio, direct ratio
Friend, in fact, there is a problem in this formula, which is resistance. Because resistance is a constant value in our daily circuit, it will not increase with the increase of voltage. I hope it will be helpful to you

Write words according to the meaning: not aware of, not aware of
Come on, I need to use it. Do me a favor!
I don't know what it is. Well, the teacher will talk about it tomorrow, ha ha,

Turn a blind eye, turn a deaf ear

When the numerator denominator of 3 / 13 is added with (), it can be reduced to 1 / 3

When (2) is added to the numerator denominator of 3 / 13, it can be reduced to 1 / 3

Words with open and closed syllables

An open syllable is a word that ends with a vowel. Note that it is not a vowel letter. For example, so go no you he me see sea
They wait
On the contrary, words ending with consonants are closed syllables. For example, cat dog black green brown top, it should be noted that words such as nose and cake are still closed syllables because the ending letter E is not pronounced

Unit 23 3A translation

A regular pentagon, ab = BC = CD = de = EA. It is known that a can walk 3 parts of the way, and B can walk 7 parts of the way. If a and B start from point a and walk clockwise at the same time, which side will a catch up with B for the third time?

In the first catch-up, B walked one more lap than a, in the second catch-up, B walked two more laps than a, and in the third catch-up, B walked three more laps than a,
Suppose that the third time a catches up with B is x times (3 times is 1 time)
A total of 45 / 4 trips = 11.25,
So it's next to BC

Trigonometric function exercises
It's better to explain step by step

=-Cos 65 ° (mainly the change of angle)
=Sin113 ° cos22 ° + sin157 ° sin22 ° (induction Formula 1 or 3)
=Sin113 ° cos22 ° - cos113 ° sin22 ° (basic relation of trigonometric function)
=Tan (45 ° - 15 °) (this is a variation of the basic relation of trigonometric function, about tan)
As a result, I won't even calculate it. You can do it yourself. What you want is the method

Can you tell me the correct pronunciation of "xuanheyi"? The 5th edition of modern Chinese Dictionary reads "Xu ā n", while the 6th edition of modern Chinese Dictionary reads "Xu ǎ n". What's the matter? Please explain it clearly. Please, thank you!

In this case, it is better to pay attention to the pronunciation of the word in this idiom, because the goal of a dictionary like modern Chinese is to eliminate illiteracy. When most people tend to a wrong pronunciation, it will gradually tend to this wrong pronunciation. For example, the correct pronunciation of "urticaria" in "urticaria" is QIAN2