Calculation of "Ohm's law" and "electric power" in Physics It must be a calculation. Don't fill in the blanks It's better to have short questions, the more the better

Calculation of "Ohm's law" and "electric power" in Physics It must be a calculation. Don't fill in the blanks It's better to have short questions, the more the better

1. (2006 &; Sanming City) as shown in the figure, set the power supply voltage constant, filament resistance constant, and small bulb L marked with "6V 3W". Close the switch, when slide P of sliding rheostat moves to end a, the small bulb will light normally; when slide P moves to end C, the indication of ammeter is 0.2A
(1) Supply voltage
(2) Resistance of filament
(3) When the slide P moves to C, the slide rheostat is connected to the resistance of the circuit
(4) When slide P moves to C, the actual power of small bulb
2. (2006, Anhui Province) as shown in the figure is the working principle diagram of household electric rice cooker. R1 is the heating resistance with a resistance value of 48.4 Ω; R2 is the current limiting resistor with a resistance value of 484 [the known specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 × 103J / (kg ﹥ 8226; ℃); the boiling point of water at 1 standard atmospheric pressure is 100 ℃]
(1) When switch S is off, what is the ratio of power consumed by R1 and R2 in the circuit?
(2) When switch S is closed, what is the electrical power consumed by resistor R1?
(3) If the efficiency of converting electric energy into internal energy of water in the cooker is 84%, how long does it take at least to boil 2kg water at 20 ℃ under 1 standard atmospheric pressure?

The power supply voltage is constant, 6V, R1 = 4 ohm, R2 = 6 ohm
I think like this: using 6V for 2a, the total resistance is 3 ohm, but what's wrong with my idea?

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The function f (x) = logax, G (x) = loga (2x + m-2) is known,
Where x belongs to [1,2], a 〉 0 and a is not equal to 1, m belongs to R. (1) when m = 4, if the function f (x) = f (x) + G (x) has the minimum value 2, find the value of a: (2) when 0 〈 a 〈 1, f (x) 2g (x) is constant, find the value range of real number M

(2) When 0 ﹤ a ﹤ 1, if 0 ﹤ a ﹤ 1, f (x) ≥ 2g (x) holds, that is, if x belongs to [1,2], X ≤ (2x + m-2) ^ 2 holds
When Δ ≤ 0, that is, (4m-9) ^ 2-16 (m-2) ^ 2 = 16m ^ 2-72m + 81-16m ^ 2 + 64m-64 = - 8m + 17 ≤ 0
M ≥ 17 / 8 2. When Δ > 0 m

(39 minus 27 molecules 26) multiply by 1 / 13!

(39 minus 27 elements 26) times 1 / 13

It is known that the polynomial MX & sup3; + 3nxy & sup2; - 2x & sup3; - XY & sup2; + 2x + y of x.y does not contain a cubic term, so we can find the value of 2m + 3N

If it does not contain cubic terms, it is concluded that:
M = 2, n = 1 / 3

How many angles are there in one 360 degree minute six


The value of determinant (first row: 0 000 - 1; second row: 0 0 - 2 0; third row: 0 - 3 00; fourth row: - 4 000)

Swap the first and fourth columns, add a negative sign, and then swap the second and third columns. Negative leads to positive,
The result is (- 1) × (- 2) × (- 3) × (- 4) = 24

Divide a number by 18 and 54, and the quotient is exactly an integer. The maximum of this number is?

What is the minimum number of wrong questions? The minimum number is 54
The maximum geometric multiple of 54 is OK all the time

(x + 1) / (x ^ 3 + 1) x tends to - 1 to find the limit

It's equal to one third. The numerator and denominator are derived separately, and then x = - 1 is brought in

Simple calculation: 2 / 9 of 73 and 17

Let's divide 2 / 9 by 17, which is 34 / 9, and then add 73, which is 691 / 9