How to write the third question on page 30 of "Supplementary Exercises" in the first volume of junior high school mathematics?

How to write the third question on page 30 of "Supplementary Exercises" in the first volume of junior high school mathematics?


People's education press, the first volume of mathematics, p69, the fourth supplementary exercise,

The second workshop is set with X persons, 4 / 5-30 + 10 = 3 / 4 (X-10), x = 250250 * 4 / 5-30 = 17 (persons)

Mathematics review at the end of the first semester of junior high school
It's better to have an answer. I'm not particularly good at this kind of problem,

A toy company wants to produce two kinds of toys, among which 4 bags of material a and 3 bags of material B are used for making a toy, 5 bags of material a and 10 bags of material B are used for making B toy. How many toys can be produced? It is known that the toy company has purchased 20000 bags of material a and 30000 bags of material B in total. If all these materials are used up, can the company produce a toy

(1 + x ^ 2) x, how much is the integral?


Page 33-34 of the answers to the sixth grade mathematics exercise book of PEP
1 Lejia is 3km away from the school. On the map of 1:100000 scale, what is the distance between Lejia and the school? A monument is 45 meters high and only 5 cm high on the drawing. What's the scale of this picture? A section of railway is 3 kilometers long. What's the scale of the map? The length of the railway is 1.5 cm


1. [2x (x quadratic, y-xy quadratic) + XY (xy-x quadratic)] / X quadratic y, where x = 2008, y = 2004
2. [(2x + y) quadratic - Y (y + 4x) - 8x] / 2x, where x = 10
3. [(X-Y) quadratic + (x + y) (X-Y)] / 2x, where x = 3, y = - 1.5
4. (a + 1) (A-1) + a (1-A), where a = 2012

1. [2x quadratic y (X-Y) - x quadratic y (X-Y)] times 1 / X quadratic y
=X quadratic (X-Y) times 1 / X quadratic y
2. [4x quadratic + 4xy + y quadratic - y quadratic - 4xy-8x] times 1 / 2x
=(4x quadratic-8x) times 1 / 2x
=4X (X-2) times 1 / 2x
3. [x-quadratic-2xy + y-quadratic + x-quadratic-y-quadratic] times 1 / 2x
=(2x quadratic - 2XY) times 1 / 2x
=2X (X-Y) by 1 / 2x
4. A-quadratic-1 + a-a-quadratic
It's as simple as the fourth one. Don't ask people casually to save shame

How many milliliters is 1200 cubic centimeters equal to?

1200 cubic centimeters equals 1200 milliliters equals 1.2 liters

As shown in the figure, in RT △ ABC, ∠ C = 90 °, ab = 5, BC = 3, the vertical bisector De of hypotenuse AB intersects at point D, connects BD, and calculates the length of segment CD

Let CD = x, then BD = ad = 4-x, BC = 3. In RT △ BCD, (4-x) 2 = x2 + 32, the solution x = 78, that is, CD = 78


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