(1) For a six digit number, the number at the left end (100000 digits) is 1. If the number at the left end is moved to the right end (single digits), then the new six digits may be three times of the original six digits. Find the original six digits (2) Aunt Zheng once served several guests from afar with a basket of oranges. For the first time, she divided half and one of them. For the second time, she divided the remaining half and one. For the last time, she divided the remaining half and three. There was no orange left in the basket. How many oranges were there in her basket? Little sister, I'm not very talented,

(1) For a six digit number, the number at the left end (100000 digits) is 1. If the number at the left end is moved to the right end (single digits), then the new six digits may be three times of the original six digits. Find the original six digits (2) Aunt Zheng once served several guests from afar with a basket of oranges. For the first time, she divided half and one of them. For the second time, she divided the remaining half and one. For the last time, she divided the remaining half and three. There was no orange left in the basket. How many oranges were there in her basket? Little sister, I'm not very talented,

(1) Let the original six digits be 1 * 10 ^ 5 + X
The original six digit number was 142857
The last time I divided the remaining half and three, there was no orange left in the basket
That means there were six oranges at the last time
The second time there were oranges (6 + 1) * 2 = 14
The first orange (14 + 1) * 2 = 30
There used to be 30 oranges in her basket

Given that three angles a, B, C satisfy: A and B complement each other, B and C complement each other, try to find the size of a-c

Solution: from the question we can see that:
Angle a + angle B = 180 degrees
Angle B + angle c = 90 degrees
Angle a = 180 degrees - angle B
Angle c = 90 degrees - angle B
Angle a-angle C
=(180 degree angle b) - (90 degree angle b) (equivalent substitution)
=180 degrees - angle b-90 degrees + angle B
=90 degrees

There is a cylindrical shape of bread, cut three knives into eight pieces, how to cut?

First, cut two pieces from the top down to make four pieces, and then cross cut one from the side to make eight pieces

How much water does it take to mix 1 liter of 90% alcohol into 75% alcohol

N = 0.2L

What are the main factors affecting the climate?
A. Temperature
B. Precipitation
C. Weather
D. Latitude

The main factors of climate a are temperature and precipitation. We can know the characteristics of climate through the analysis of temperature and precipitation. As shown in the figure: (slide No.4) points a, B and C belong to cold, warm and hot zones respectively. Please tell us the temperature and precipitation of the three maps. Point out how close the maximum temperature and minimum temperature of each point are

How to do integral LNX / e ^ x DX
Maybe I didn't make it clear that it's not ln (x / e ^ x) DX, but LNX is better than e ^ X

Integral ln (x / e ^ x) DX
=lnx dx-lne^x dx
Integral lne ^ x DX = 1 / 2x ^ 2
The integral LNX DX is written by integral parts
Integral 1 * LNX DX
=X * lnx-integral 1 dlnx
Answer (1 / 2) x ^ 2 + xlnx LNX

The shot put used in PE class has a mass of 4kg and a volume of about 0.57dm3. Is it made of pure lead?

Given that M = 4kg, v = 0.57dm3 = 5.7 × 10-4m3, then the density of shot is ρ = MV = 4kg, 5.7 × 10 − 4m3 = 7 × 103kg / m3. Looking up the density table, we can see that the density of lead is 11.3 × 103kg / m3, so this kind of shot is not made of pure lead

Define an operation on "F" of positive integer n: ① when n is odd, the result is 3N + 5; ② when n is even, the result is n / 2 ^ k (where k is the positive integer that makes n / 2 ^ k odd), and the operation is repeated. For example, if n = 26, then: 26 f ② the first time → 13 f ① the second time → 44 f ② the third time → 11 If n = 449, find the result of the 449th f operation

499 into their own count several times. Finally out of the law. 18 for the cycle section, so 449 operations for 8

Calculate ∫ ∫ ∑ (1 / R ^ 2) ds, where ∑ is the part of x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = R ^ 2 cut by z = 0 and z = h, and R is the point from the origin to the cylinder
R is the distance from the origin to the point on the cylinder
The answer is 2pai times arctan (H / R)

R ^ 2 = R ^ 2 + Z ^ 2, the projection of ∑ on the YOZ plane is rectangular: z from 0 to h, y from - r to R
Because DS = √ (1 + y ^ 2 / (R ^ 2-y ^ 2)) dydz = R / √ (R ^ 2-y ^ 2)) dydz
From the symmetry (∑ in the YOZ plane projection to calculate 2)

What's the difference between transformation and transformation?

For example: if I give you an apple, we will say that the apple has changed from me to you; if I give you an apple and you give me a dollar, we will say that the apple has changed from an apple to a dollar