For a fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 53. If the denominator is added with 17, the fraction is reduced to 1 / 6, and the fraction is many

For a fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 53. If the denominator is added with 17, the fraction is reduced to 1 / 6, and the fraction is many

After adding 17, the sum of numerator and denominator is 53 + 17 = 70
So it's about 10
So the score before simplification is actually 10 / 60
Denominator 60-17 = 43
So it's 10 / 43

What are open syllable words and closed syllable words?

A syllable ending with a vowel is called an open syllable, and a syllable ending with a consonant is called a closed syllable
1、 Syllables: syllables are the basic unit of pronunciation. The pronunciation of any word is broken down into syllables. In English, vowels are very loud. A vowel can form a syllable, and a vowel and one or more consonant phonemes can also form a syllable. Generally speaking, vowels can form syllables, but consonants are not loud and cannot form syllables Consonants [M], [n], [ng], [l] are sounds. They can be combined with consonant phonemes to form syllables. The syllables they form often appear at the end of words and are generally unstressed syllables. English words have one syllable, two syllables and many syllables. One syllable is monosyllabic, two syllables are disyllabic, and more than three syllables are polysyllabic, Pop ` ula'tion population, consolidate ` ula'tion congratulations. Tel'ecommu ` nica'tion
The method of dividing syllables: vowels are the main body of syllables, and consonants are the dividing line of syllables. No matter how many vowels there are between two consonants, they are generally one syllable. For example, bed, bet, seat, beat, beautiful beauty of beauty. When there is a consonant between two vowels, the consonant belongs to the next syllable, such as stu'dent students, When there are two consonant letters, one consonant letter belongs to the first syllable, and the other to the second syllable, such as let's letter, win't winter
1) Syllables can be divided into open syllables and closed syllables according to pronunciation
Open syllable can be divided into absolute open syllable and relative open syllable
(1) Absolute open syllable: it refers to a syllable without consonant after a vowel letter, such as we, hi, yo yo
(2) Relative open syllable: refers to a vowel letter followed by a consonant letter (except R), the last is a silent e syllable, such as: take, make
In an open syllable, the vowel sounds like the letter itself, such as hi|hai|, use|ju: Z|
(3) Closed syllable: a syllable consisting of consonants (except R) after a vowel, e.g. leg, cross
2) Syllables can be divided into stressed syllables and unstressed syllables

3A translation of unit 12, grade 9

Columbia: where I come from, we are very casual about the time. If you tell a friend that you go back to their home for dinner, it doesn't matter if you arrive on time. For us, it's very important to spend time with family and friends. We often visit friends' home by the way

In hexagon ABCDEF, a = b = C = D = e = f (angle), AB + BC = 11, FA-Cd = 3, then what is BC + DF?

Angle EAB = angle EBC = 60 degrees
The solution of 1 / 2bc-1 / 2Ab = 3 / 2 gives BC = 7 and ab = 4
DF can be obtained by Pythagorean theorem

In △ ABC, if cosa = 3sina, then the value set of ∠ A is ⊙___ .

∵ cosa = 3sina, ∵ Tana = 33 ∵ 0 ∵ a ∵ 180 ° a = π 6, so the answer is: {π 6}

The pronunciation of the backbone should be in accordance with the latest edition of the dictionary

Two tones

What figure can two same obtuse triangles make?


English words come from alphabetic sounds
Why is a in table pronounced? According to which rule?

Open syllable, a is the sound of EI

The composition about sincerity in grade five is about 100 words
One hundred and ten thousand in a hurry

Sincerity if life is a boat, sincerity is the sail on the boat; if life is a boundless sky, sincerity is the rainbow after the rain; if life is compared to a clock, sincerity is like the indispensable hour hand on the clock, guiding the direction of your life; if life is a machine, sincerity is the engine on the machine, it is you

Given the area of acute triangle ABC is 8, ab = 4, AC = 5, find the length of BC
How do I calculate Sina = 4 / 5
Is there another way?

In the right triangle ADC, because Sina = 4 / 5, CD = 4 can be obtained; in the right triangle CDB, CD = 4, BD = 1, CB = 17 under the root sign can be obtained