Who is the author of the idiom on page 31 of Chinese summer homework in Volume 2 of grade 5 of Beijing Normal University Edition Who is the protagonist in the following idioms? Think about the title on page (31) in brackets Thank you for doing me a favor: plead guilty when you are in trouble, cook beans and burn Osmunda, guide the way for the horse, talk on paper, lay on the firewood and taste the gall, hope the plum to quench thirst There are 41 pages of Chinese kaleidoscope in one word Can you tell me all about it

Who is the author of the idiom on page 31 of Chinese summer homework in Volume 2 of grade 5 of Beijing Normal University Edition Who is the protagonist in the following idioms? Think about the title on page (31) in brackets Thank you for doing me a favor: plead guilty when you are in trouble, cook beans and burn Osmunda, guide the way for the horse, talk on paper, lay on the firewood and taste the gall, hope the plum to quench thirst There are 41 pages of Chinese kaleidoscope in one word Can you tell me all about it

Pleading guilty (Lianpo) besieging Wei to save Zhao (Sun Bin) retreating from sanshe (Chonger) suisuing himself (maosui)
Plead guilty (honest and upright) talk on paper (Zhao Kuo) work hard (Cao GUI) buy bones (Guo Yi)
Hide illness and avoid medical treatment (Duke Huan of CAI) eat gall on pay (Gou Jian) kill wife and seek general (Wu Qi) frighten bird (Geng Lei)
Mountains and rivers (Yu Boya, Zhong Ziqi)
A thousand gold words (LV Buwei) pointing deer as horse (Zhao Gao) burning books and pitching scholars (Qin Shihuang) poor picture dagger Jian (Jing Ke)
Su Qin and Sun Jing
A meal of gold (Han Xin) besieged on all sides (Xiang Yu) three rules of law (Liu Bang) ruzikejiao (Zhang Liang)
Battle of backwater (Han Xin) burn the boat (Xiang Yu) never let go (LV Meng) Jinwucangjiao (Liu Che)
Hidu Chencang (Han Xin) ambush on all sides (Xiang Yu)
More is better (Han Xin) old and strong (Ma Yuan) Xiao Gui Cao Sui (Xiao He, Cao Shen)
No face to see Jiang Dongfu (Xiang Yu)
three countries:
Dedicated (Zhuge Liang) Sangu Maolu (Liu Bei) cook beans and burn Osmunda (Cao Zhi) look at each other with new eyes (LV Meng)
New born (Zhuge Liang) happy but not thinking of Shu (Liu Chan) seven step poem (Cao Zhi) exaggeration (MA Su)
Seven escapes and seven escapes (Zhuge Liang) sword is not old (Huang Zhong) talent and eight fights (Cao Zhi) courage (Zhao Yun)

But also write the number of pages and title number, good words, I give more points!

P1 omit P2: word puzzles. Compare, then group words. Dragon flies and Phoenix dances. Crouching tiger, hidden dragon, fighting (fighting) Jun (handsome) soul (soul) peep (PEEP) Jin Long xianrui. Yu yuelongmen Bo (Doctor) Jun (severe) soul (soul) steal (eavesdrop) senile Dragon bell. Living dragon and living tiger fill in the blanks according to the text

Teaching plan of "how many trees are there" in first grade mathematics volume 1 of Beijing Normal University Edition

Teaching design, record, courseware and reflection of "there are several trees"
1、 Create situations and learn new lessons
1. Lead in
(observation before class, group competition, draw the wisdom fruit for the discipline of the second and third groups.)
Teacher: today, wisdom grandfather wants to take the children to take the time spaceship to experience the four seasons of the year. Do the children want to go?
Student: Yes!
Teacher: do you know which four seasons a year refers to?
Students: spring, summer, autumn and winter
Spring sows hope
(1) Teacher: the first stop we are going to is spring. (courseware shows the scenery of spring). Spring is coming, and the fields are green. Every year, March 12 is tree planting day. On this day, people have to plant a lot of trees to green our environment. Now Mr. Chen will take the children of class 1 (2) to plant trees, OK?
Student: good!
(the teacher opens the paper on the blackboard. There are two rows of trees.)
Teacher: let's count the first row. How many trees are we going to plant?
Student: eight
Teacher: what about the second row?
Student: six
(2) Teacher: what math questions can you ask when you see this picture? Please turn your brain quickly and raise your hand to answer Mr. Chen's question
How many trees are there above? How many trees are there below? How many trees are there altogether?
Teacher: you are so good! What's the problem?
How many trees are there on the right side of the first tree?
Teacher: you are great! But is your first tree the first row or the second row? (teacher points to the tree and asks)
Student: in the first row
Teacher: Oh, how many trees are there on the right of the first tree in the first row?
Student (all): 7
Teacher: any questions?
How many more trees are there on the top? How many less trees are there on the bottom?
Teacher: your answer is very good, but it's incomplete. Who can help him?
How many more trees are there on the top than on the bottom? How many fewer trees are there on the bottom?
Teacher: you're all great. You ask a lot of questions. How many trees are there in all? Who's going to make a formula?
Student (all): 8 + 6 = 14
Teacher: Oh, you all know his number, but Mr. Chen doesn't know how to calculate it. I want you to help me solve this problem, OK?
(3) Teacher: Well, now let's ask the children to take out their sticks for a swing. What's 8 + 6? How do you calculate it? How many ways do you have? When the music sounds, you have to stop and sit upright. Get ready and start! (teacher instructs some students to swing sticks)
(4) Teacher: tell your thoughts to your deskmate
Teacher: now let's talk about it. What method did you use?
Student: 8 + 6 = 14, count, there are 8 trees here and 6 trees there
Student: I do it by counting
Teacher: great! If your voice is louder next time, I'll give you a red flower
Student: 6 gives 8 (6 is divided into 2 and 4), 2 plus 8 gets 10, 10 plus 4 gets 14
Teacher: your method is really clever! (operation demonstration, moving the tree on the blackboard)
Teacher: divide 6 into 2 and 4, 2 plus 8 to get 10, 10 plus 4 equals 14. (writing on the blackboard while repeating) is there any other way?
Student: 8, then count, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, a total of 14
Teacher: Well, that's great! Is there any other way?
Student: divide 8 into 4 and 4. 6 and 4 add up to 10. There are 14 trees in all
Teacher: your method is also very good!
Student: 9 + 6 = 15,8 + 6 = 14
Teacher: Oh, 9 + 6 = 15, 9 is 1 more than 8, so 8 + 6 is 1 less than 15, 8 + 6 = 14
Student: 7 + 6 = 13, 8 more than 7 1, 8 + 6 more than 13 1 equals 14
(5) Summary
Teacher: today, all the children in class 1 (2) are excellent. They have come up with so many ways. Let's see which group sits most upright! (draw the wisdom fruit for the children in groups 1 and 2)
Teacher: the animals have their own ways. Let's have a look together. Little white rabbit likes to divide 6 into 2 and 4. 8 plus 2 leads to 10 and 10 plus 4 leads to 14
Teacher: bear, he likes to divide 8 into 4 and 4, 6 plus 4 to get 10, 10 plus 4 to get 14; pig father also said his way, 10 plus 6 to get 16, 8 less than 10 2, 16 minus 2 to get 14
As long as you can calculate the result quickly and accurately, either way is OK
(6) The little white rabbit says that it has a math nursery rhyme for you to listen to. Please listen to it carefully: 8 plus a few, don't be afraid, borrow two, make up ten. It's right and fast to calculate. Let's read it together! (guide the students to read it twice, which is better than "2" and "10")
2、 Independent inquiry, consolidate practice
1. In summer, all flowers are blooming
(1) Teacher: many trees are planted in spring. Summer is coming and flowers are blooming. There are many butterflies flying in the beautiful flowers. Can you ask some mathematical questions? (courseware shows that there are some mistakes, which are different from the number of butterflies in the textbook.)
Student: 8 + 8 = 16
Teacher: Oh, you have listed the formula. Can you tell me the problem?
How many butterflies are there in all?
Teacher: please open the second question on page 75 and do it
(2) Teacher: I also found dragonflies in flowers. Please look at this picture and make up a math story to tell your deskmate
Student: there are four dragonflies on the left and eight dragonflies on the right. How many dragonflies are there altogether?
How many more dragonflies are there on the right than on the left?
Teacher: we only use units for dragonflies. Can you say that again?
How many more dragonflies are there on the right than on the left?
Teacher: you have observed it very carefully. How many dragonflies are there in all? How do you calculate them?
Student (all): 8 + 4 = 12 (open courseware)
Teacher: what else can I do?
Student (part): 4 + 8 = 12
2. Harvest hope in golden autumn
(1) After summer, we come to autumn. I don't know if you find that the night sky in autumn is beautiful. Today we'll play the game of picking stars
Teacher: please open the mental arithmetic card on your desk and raise your hand to pick the stars
Teacher: which group is the best, I will invite this group to pick the stars
Group three, please
Teacher: please take it gently and return to your seat
Teacher: what's your answer?
Student: 14
Teacher: can you tell us the whole formula?
Student: 8 + 6 = 14
Division: group four
Division: the second group
Teacher: group one
Teacher: are you happy to pick the stars? Put them away and put them in the drawer
(every child went on stage to pick the stars. The scene was a bit chaotic, but the children happily went back to their seats.)
(2) Playing small hand games, reorganizing children's discipline
Teacher: small hand, clap
Student: I'll take pictures with you
Teacher: please do it with me. (clap on the shoulder)
I'll do it with you
Teacher: please do this with me
I'll do it with you
Teacher: please sit with me
I'll sit with you
Teacher: this time, the first group and the fourth group are the fastest. Add wisdom fruit to them
3. Store grain in winter
(1) Teacher: autumn is gone, and winter is coming. It's really cold in winter. Children need to wear more clothes so that they won't catch a cold. Look, little ants have come to move grain. They can't find their house number after moving so much grain. Can you help little ants?
Student: Yes
(2) Teacher: please open the picture of ants in question 4 on page 75 of the textbook. Ask the children to join in their own books
(3) Teacher: let's have a look at the big screen. Mr. Chen also helps ants find their own home. I don't know if it's right. Let's have a look. (courseware display)
The student shouts out: the 2 + 8 ant can't find its home. I draw a house number 10 for it
Teacher: Well, you are very good!
4、 Summary and extension
Teacher: today we learned the carry addition of 8 plus a few. The children have come up with many ways. As long as you can calculate quickly and correctly, you can do it in different ways. So, Mr. Chen wants to ask, what have you learned today?
Student: I learned nursery rhymes
Student: I've learned how to add eight to a few
I learned to pick the stars
Student: I'll help ants find a home
Student: I learned to look for sticks
Student: I learned spring, summer, autumn and winter
Teacher: please tell your parents about the math you learned today
Blackboard writing: 8 + 6 = 14, 9 + 6 = 15
/ \ 8+6=14
2 4
8 + 6 = 14 7+6=13
/ \ 8+6=14
4 4
Teaching reflection
1、 On the eve of teaching design
After receiving the notice from the superior, I will have an experimental class in the base school in a week, and I am very anxious: what topic should I choose? After one class, I consulted the math teachers of grade one and grade three, and finally decided the topic of "how many trees". However, the calculation class is really difficult for me, but also decided the topic
It's not easy to get through the weekend and finally write out the rough teaching design. After the collective lesson preparation time, I briefly introduced my teaching design in the form of lesson presentation. The teachers in the mathematics group put forward their opinions and suggestions, and I revised them again and again. I didn't redesign the Star picking link until noon on Thursday, saying goodbye to the hard days of teaching design
Designing a topic needs inspiration, which sometimes flashes by. The innovation of mathematics teachers is to constantly activate their own mathematics classroom
2、 Teaching reflection
1. In this lesson, through learning the carry addition of "8 plus a few", we can further experience the diversity of calculation methods, and highlight the optimization calculation method of "gather ten methods". In the context of "spring, summer, autumn and winter", we can learn from children's familiar life