The teaching design of determining the position of mathematics in the fourth grade volume I of Beijing Normal University Edition

The teaching design of determining the position of mathematics in the fourth grade volume I of Beijing Normal University Edition

Teaching design of "determine the position"
Teaching content: Beijing Normal University Edition primary school mathematics grade 4 Volume 1 80 - 81 pages
Teaching objectives:
1. Be able to explore the method of determining the position in a specific situation and say the position of an object
2. Be able to use "number pair" to determine the position on the square paper
3. Cultivate students' sense of direction and space concept in combination with the reality of life
Key points of teaching: be able to determine the position from left to right and from front to back
Teaching aids preparation: courseware group logo, treasure box
Learning aids preparation: checkerboard paper, small icons
Design concept: respect and surpass teaching materials; explore independently and teach appropriately; face the whole and teach students in accordance with their aptitude; lay a solid foundation and cultivate ability; pay attention to in class and extend appropriately
Teaching process:
1、 Create situations and introduce topics
Playing games: looking for treasure
Teacher: do you like playing games
Teacher: let's play a treasure game today. (ask two students, one to hide the treasure box in a desk in the classroom, the other to look for it.)
The teacher asked the students, "is it easy to find?"
Teacher: how can we find it faster? (student: if only we knew where he was hiding)
2. Teacher: "the good teacher will give you a clue. It's in the desk of the second group of students counting from left to right in the classroom
(the second group of raw horses go up to have a look at each seat)
Teacher: is it easy to find now
Teacher: can you be sure as soon as you find it
Teacher: please tell him another clue so that he can find it,
(student: at the fifth seat, the student immediately goes to the fifth seat and finds the treasure box.)
4. Teacher: "just now, the teacher and his classmates provided him with accurate information, so that he could quickly determine the location of the treasure box. In fact, it is very important to determine the location. Today we will learn how to determine the location
(subject: location (1))
[design intent: two data are needed to explore and determine the location]
2、 Explore new knowledge and lead to number pairs
1. Talk about the position of the monitor:
Teacher: "only by providing two pieces of information can we quickly and accurately locate the treasure box? (student: 2)
Teacher: what are the two pieces of information
Teacher: "with these two messages, who can tell us the position of the monitor?
(S1: I'm in the fourth seat in group 3)
2. Leading number pairs
That's right. Now let's observe the seat chart of Xiaoqing class
The observer is standing in the position of the teacher to observe (from left to right, the first group, the second group, etc.)
Excuse me: where is Xiaoqing's? (the second in group 3) that's very good! Thank you!
(students use numbers or symbols to indicate Xiaoqing's position in exercise books.)
Several possible situations? (3,2.3,2) (3,2)
Just now, we used a logarithm (3,2) to represent the position. This method is also called "number pair" to represent the position. The expression of "number pair" is to represent the direction first, and then the vertical direction. Usually, we need to add () outside the two numbers and separate them with ","
The number is 32
What do 3 and 2 mean here
Student answer: 3 is the third column, 2 is the second
Which of the second and (3,2) expressions in group 3 is better? Why?
Teacher: that's good!
3. Let's talk about it again
(1) Xiaomin's seat is (2, 3), Xiaohua's seat is (4, 4)
(2) (1,4) is the first in the group, he is ();
(4,3) is the first in the group, he is ()
What do you mean by (4,4)?
3、 Talk about your position
You can show Xiaoqing their position in pairs
The following also uses the number to talk about this class classmate's position
1. Talk about your position
2. Teacher: just now, several students spoke very well. Now, please talk about your position with numbers
3. Find a place in the grid
The teacher pointed to the students in the first column and asked, "which column are you in? How many pairs of numbers indicate your position?"
Student: in the first column, we have 1 in each pair
Please stand up in the first row. What are the numbers in your number pairs? Why? (student: they are all in the first row, so they all have one in the number pairs.)
The teacher said, "now if you look at the students in each column as a vertical line and the students in each row as a horizontal line, close your eyes and think about what our class will be like?
S: it's all right
The teacher showed the chessboard and asked, "is it like this chessboard with squares all over it?"
2. Mark the position on the grid
The master pointed at the bottom and left side of the chessboard and said: "if the numbers in the horizontal direction of the chessboard represent the first column and the second column respectively The numbers in the vertical direction represent the first line and the second line respectively Then, can you put your position in this picture with chess pieces, and then mark it with numbers? (find two students to put it on the chessboard and mark it with numbers.)
Ask other students to take out the square chart, mark their positions with dots, and mark them with pairs. (teachers should pay attention to the two types of students who mark the dots in the square and on the intersection points.)
Student presentation report:
The teacher asked the student who put the pieces: "can you introduce to us why you put the pieces here?"
"My position is (4,3) I first find 4 in the bottom row of numbers, and then find 3 in the left row of numbers, and put the pieces on the intersection of the two lines."
Teacher: "who has the same method as him, please raise your hand." (more than half of the students raise their hands)
Teacher: it's very supportive!
Shizhisheng 2 asked: "is this classmate right? Who supports him?" (only two hands raised)
Teacher: why do you support so few students
Sheng: "it seems to be wrong."
Teacher: "why do you think so?"
Sheng: "he's in the grid. There are two numbers 0 and 1 on the left side of the grid, and the numbers 1 and 2 on the bottom side of the grid are next to the chess pieces, so we can't see that he's putting the number to the number and the number."
Teacher: "yes, it seems that we should mark the point indicating our position at the intersection of the horizontal line and the vertical line."
Then let the wrong student use the pink chessman to place his best friend. Let the students guess who your friend is?
Students just finished, the students on the babble out of the student's name
The performance of the students is very good today
4、 The buildings around us are represented by pairs of numbers
Practice one practice one
Teacher: number pairs can not only express the position in the classroom, but also have a wider application in our life. Now I'd like to investigate how you are learning today
Teacher: Teacher: This is the map near Xiaoqing school. Tell me where the school is on the map
Where are the other buildings in the picture? They are represented by pairs of numbers
Teacher: it refers to the number pairs of the post office and the bank, the library and the park in the table. What is the relationship between the three groups of number pairs and what does it explain?
Student: the number of post office, school and library is 3, but the former is different
Teacher: let's see where they are
Student: different positions, one behind the other
That is to say, although the latter number is the same, because the former number is different, so the position is not the same
In the table, the number pairs of the library and the school make students observe and compare. What is the relationship between the two groups of number pairs and what is the explanation?
The first number of the two pairs is the same, but the second one is different, so the position is different
Teacher: you are so smart
Practice one practice two
(1) Let's talk about the location of the scenic spots in the playground
(2) Now Xiaomin's position is (4,2). She's going to the skating rink. Please draw a route map
5、 Class summary:
What did you learn in this lesson? (1) "I know number pairs, and I can use number pairs to represent positions. 2:" I learned to represent my position in a square diagram. "
Students, through today's study, what have you learned? (determine the position). With this ability, we can solve many problems in life. As long as you have a curious heart, you will find that: in our life, there are many interesting mathematical problems waiting for you to find and study!
6、 You know what?
1. Expand and introduce the knowledge of the earth's longitude and latitude network
Teacher: the knowledge we learned today has a wider use. Let's open the treasure box and have a look!
Courseware: there are horizontal and vertical lines on the globe. The vertical line connecting the north and south poles is called longitude. The horizontal circle perpendicular to the longitude is called latitude. According to the longitude and latitude, the position of any point on the earth can be determined
Now do you know how our country quickly found the location of Wenchuan? If we can not immediately determine the location of the disaster area, what will the consequences be? From this point of view, it is very important for us to accurately determine the location. I hope students can determine their own location in the future study and life, and use the knowledge they have learned to solve the problems they encounter in life
(design intention: mathematics knowledge not only stays in the classroom, but also prepares extra-curricular knowledge for students. It can enrich students' learning life and broaden their horizons. Although they are different from each other, they have guiding and educational value for students, thus reflecting the great education concept of mathematics.)
7、 Blackboard Design:
Location (1)
What group? What group
Column 3, 2nd
Number pairs (3,2)
The number is three to two
Teaching reflection:
1. Get close to students' real life and make full use of teaching resources around them. Students' seats are important learning resources in this lesson. This lesson strives to make full use of this teaching resource. A series of activities, such as writing their own positions and talking about their good friends' positions, are carried out to guide students to understand and describe their positions in life, Learn to use number pairs to express position, a new way to express position, and infiltrate the knowledge of plane rectangular coordinate system. This design is close to students' real life to the maximum extent, so that students can feel the close relationship between mathematics and life, and make students become the master of learning activities
2. The teaching design of this course strives to embody the problem-based concept, create the situation of thinking about mathematics, and let the students actively explore the formation process of "number pair" by using their mouth, hands and brain
The design of the whole class, always implement such a principle: the initiative to learn to students, students can explore not to replace, can find not to suggest, design more open classroom, give students more time to think and try. For example: let students say the position, let other students guess; for example, let students write their own position, Create a rich and colorful learning situation for students, mobilize students' interest in learning, make students try, explore, think, guess and cooperate and communicate with each other on the basis of original knowledge, so that they can learn from each other