New edition of English eighth grade unit 9 of the 2D text!

New edition of English eighth grade unit 9 of the 2D text!

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Summary of English phrases in grade eight
More than 30 in each unit with translation and serial number

Unit 1
1. In people's home
2. Study at home on computers
3. In the future
4. Be free
5. Live to be 200 years old
In 100 years
7. A piece of paper
8. More / fewer trees
9. More / less pollution
10. Use the subway less
11. Use more use sth a lot
Agree with sb
13. With Talk to / with sb
Use sth to do sth
15. Be in Elementary / primary school
16. Live in an apartment alone
Fly rockets to the moon
Fall in love with fall in love with…
19. Live alone
Be able to do sth
21. Go to Hong Kong on vacation
22. The world cup
Fly to the moon for vacation
24. One day
Work for sb
26. Look smart
27. Realize come true
28. Predict the future
See sb do / doing
Hundreds of hundreds of
31. In space
Have one's own robot
33. Science fiction movies
Help with the housework
35. With Do the same things as sb
Wake someone up
37. With Make friends with sb
There be sb / sth doing sth + sp
39. It looks more like
Over and over again
41. Have less work to do
Be fun to do
43. In 25 to 50 years
Unit 2
To block; stop Enter keep out
2. With Argument with sb about sth
3. With Have an argument with sb = argument with sb
Tell sb (not) to do sth
5. Get a part-time job
6. Turn on
7. Put Play too loud too loud
Here you are Write sb a letter
Here you are Call sb up
A ticket to a ball game
Make Surprise sb
12. Pay for pay for
13. From Borrow borrow sth from sb
Buy sb sth for sb
15. Have no idea
Have the same haircut
17. Find out
18. Get a tutor
19. Need to do
Invite sb to do sth
Leave sth at home
Fail (in) sth
23. With Get on well with sb
24. With Be the same as
25. Return sth
Look up in the dictionary look up… in a dictionary
27. With Have a fight with sb
28. With Compare with
29. To Complain to sb about sth
30. Feel under (too much) pressure
be/feel under (too much) pressure
31. Get different clothes
32. Put From one place to another
Take sb from noun to NOUN
33. Until Just not… until
34. Enrich your children's lives as much as possible
fit as much as possible into their kids lives
Nothing new
Push sb hard
37. Always doing something
Plan to do sth
On the one hand
On the other hand
41. Start from a very young age
Unit 3
1. Arrive at arrive at / get to / reach
2. In In front of
3. In In the front of
On the barber's chair
in/on the barber’s chair
5. Sleep late
6. Talk on the phone
7. The Museum of flight
8. Land on Center Street
9. Call the police
10. Walk down / along the street
11. Take off
Have an unusual experience
At around ten o'clock
Follow sb to do / follow sb to do / follow sb to do
15. Yes Be surprised / amazed at
16. In the tree / on the tree
17. Towards Shout to sb / shout at sb
At the train station
19. Run away
20. Along Walk around
21. New York City / the city of the New York
22. Yes Say say to sb
23. The flight to New York
At the doctor's
25. Visit aunt in hospital
The 2008 Olympics
Remember doing / to do sth
28. In history
29. In modern American history
30. One of the most important events
one of the most important events
31. Hear about / of
More than; more than
Have fun / have a good time / enjoy yourself
Do sth in silence
35. In recent times
36. Be Be destroyed by
37. Yes Have meaning to
38. In space
39. With (not with) The same as… as/not as/so… as
Around the world
41. A national hero
42. All over the world / around the world
Because / as The famous be fame for / as
44. Do sth for the first time
45. Everyday activities
Unit 4
Watch soap operas
2. Have a surprise party
On Friday night
Be mad at sb
5. First of all
6. Do a homework project
Pass sb sth = pass sth to sb
=pass on sth to sb=pass sth on to sb
8. At the bus stop
Be supposed to do
10. Be good at = do well in
I'm sorry to do sth
12. Have / catch a cold
13. Be in good health
14. An end of year exam
Have a hard time with
Be surprised to do
Send one's love
18. Up to now
Copy other's homework
20. Pass on some messages
Have a big fight
Forget to do
23. Start a bad habit
24. Overcome get over
Change someone's life
change one’s life=change the life of sb
26. In a poor mountain village
27. It sounds like sound like
28. A graduate of Peking University
a Peking University graduate
29. A one-year program
30. By Be started by
31. The Ministry of Education
Send sb to do
It's a new experience for someone
be a new experience for sb
34. 2000 meters above sea level
Make sb feel sick
Experience different things
Open one's eyes to the outside world
open up one’s eyes to the outside world
Give someone a good start in life
give sb a good start in life
Have a good influence in someone's life
be a good influence in one’s life
40. Care for "Mother Earth"
41. Doctors Without Borders
42. Wild animals in danger
Be in danger
44. Be out of danger
Unit 5
1. Go to the party
Have a great time
Let sb in
4. Study for one's test
Half of the students have the class
6. End of year party
7. Wear jeans
8. Put Take away
9. During the party
10. School clean up
11. Children's hospital visit
12. Travel around the world
13. Get an education
14. Professional soccer player
15. Make a living
16. Seem like sth / doing sth
17. Dream job
Give to charity to charity
19. All the time
20. Get injured
21. Have a difficulty / hard time
22. In fact
23. Be able to / can
24. Mobile phone
Spend time with sb
Unit 6
1. Collect shells
2. Skating marathon
3. Your first pair of skates
4. Raise raise money
The whole five hours
Three and a half years
7. Stuffed animals
8. Snow globe of the monster
9. Run out of
On my seventeenth birthday
By the way
12. The most common
Send sb sth
14. Talent show
15. Extra Englsih class
16. Old coins
17. Free topic
18. Think of
19. Famous characters
20. The capital of Heilongjiang Province
21. With a colorful history
22. European influence
23. Soviet style in Russian style
24. Family history
25. Be surprised
Be subjected to Welcome by
27. The Song Emperor
28. Western history
29. The more Over the + comparison level The + comparison
30. Be sure that / to do
Unit 7
Mind doing sth
2. Turn down / up
3. Do the dishes
4. From Get out of
5. Right away / at once
6. In a minute
7. Be at the meeting
8. Finish these tasks
9. In the kitchen
Help sb do / with sth
11. Complain about sth
12. Store clerk
Bring you the wrong food
Don't work
15. Get angry
16. Wait in line
17. Long telephone chat
have a long telephone conversation
Follow me around
19. Back to go back to
20. All the time
21. Happen to sb
Try not to do sth
Cut in line
It's a bit late
25. Order food
Keep your voice down
27. English speaking country
28. Social behavior
Stand close to sb
Some Asian countries
31. In all situations
32. Even if
33. In public
34. Take care to do sth
35. Put out the cigarette
36. Be criticized
37. Drop litters
38. Pick up pic