① Given that points a (x1, Y1) and B (X2, Y2) are on the image with inverse scale function y = 4 / x, if X1 > X2, try to compare the sizes of Y1 and Y2 ② The inverse scale function y = K / X (K ≠ 0) is known. When x > 0, y increases with the increase of X. the quadrant of the image of the first-order function y = kx-k is calculated

① Given that points a (x1, Y1) and B (X2, Y2) are on the image with inverse scale function y = 4 / x, if X1 > X2, try to compare the sizes of Y1 and Y2 ② The inverse scale function y = K / X (K ≠ 0) is known. When x > 0, y increases with the increase of X. the quadrant of the image of the first-order function y = kx-k is calculated

When X1 > x2 > 0,
When x > 0, y decreases with the increase of X
When y1x1 > X2,
Function y = 4 / X when x

Given that the points (x1, Y1), (x2y2) are all on the image with inverse scale function y = 1 / x, and X1 > X2, compare the sizes of Y1 and Y2

This should be discussed by category
If X1 > x2 > 0, then according to the fact that the inverse proportion function is a decreasing function in the domain of definition, we can know: Y10 > Y2

If the inverse scale function y = K / X (k is less than 0) has two points on the image, X1 is greater than X2 is greater than 0, then y1-y2 is positive or negative or other?

Then Y1 > Y2
So it's a positive number