The image of the quadratic function Y1 = AX2 + BX + C and y2 = KX + B intersects in the x value range of a (- 2,4) B (8,2) which makes Y1 > Y2 hold Before 22:20 Before 22:30

The image of the quadratic function Y1 = AX2 + BX + C and y2 = KX + B intersects in the x value range of a (- 2,4) B (8,2) which makes Y1 > Y2 hold Before 22:20 Before 22:30

At this time, the parabola may be upward or downward, if a > 0. When the opening of the parabola is upward, the value range of X for Y1 > Y2 is X8
If a

The quadratic function Y1 = x ^ 2-2x + 2 and the primary function y2 = - x + 4 are known
(1) When x takes what value, Y1 > Y2?
(2) When x takes what value, Y1

x> 2 or X

It is known that the quadratic function Y1 = x2-2x-3 and the primary function y2 = x + M (1) Find the vertex coordinates of the quadratic function image and its intersection coordinates with the X axis; (2) fold the part of the quadratic function image below the X axis along the X axis to the part above the X axis, and keep the rest of the image unchanged, and get a new image. Please draw the new image in the image and find the value of m when the new image has three different common points with the line y2 = x + m; (3) when 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 The graph of function y = Y1 + Y2 + (m-2) x + 3 and X-axis have two different common points

(1) ∵ Y1 = x2-2x-3 = (x-1) 2-4, then the vertex coordinates of the parabola are (1, - 4) ∵ the image of Y1 = x2-2x-3 intersects the X axis, ∵ x2-2x-3 = 0, ∵ (x-3) (x + 1) = 0, ∵ x = - 1, or x = 3, ∵ the parabola intersects the X axis at a (- 1,0), B (3,0), (2)