The circumference of the rectangular abccd is 16 meters. On each side of the rectangular abccd, draw a square with that side as the side length. It is known that the sum of the four squares is 68 Square meter, find the area of ABCD

The circumference of the rectangular abccd is 16 meters. On each side of the rectangular abccd, draw a square with that side as the side length. It is known that the sum of the four squares is 68 Square meter, find the area of ABCD

Let the rectangle be x meters long and Y meters wide
That is 8 & # 178; - 2XY = 32
That is, the area of ABCD is 16 square meters

The perimeter of a square is 45m, and the area of the square is______ Square meters

45 △ 4 = 15 (meters), 15 × 15 = 125 (square meters); answer: the area of this square is 125 square meters

The side length of a square is 3 / 8 meters. How many meters is its perimeter and how many square meters is its area

1.5 9/64

The perimeter of a circular stadium is equal to that of a square stadium. The side length of a square stadium is 62.8 meters. How many square meters is the area of the stadium?

The perimeter of square court is 62.8 × 4 = 251.2
Perimeter of square stadium = perimeter of circular Stadium
The diameter of the circle is 251.2 △ 3.14 = 80
The area of the circle is 3.14 × (80 △ 2) & sup2; = 5024

Known square area is (square of a + 8A + 16) find side length, perimeter

(square of a + 8A + 16)
=The square of (a + 4)
So the side length is positive and negative (a + 4)
Perimeter equals plus minus (4a + 16)

The side length of a square is a meter, its perimeter is () meters, and its area is () square meters

Perimeter 4A
Area A2
That 2 is the superscript, which can't be typed here. It's the square of A

A side length of MCM is my square. How many centimeters is its perimeter? How many square meters is its area?

Perimeter = 4 * m = 4m area = m * m = m square

1. The perimeter of a circle is equal to that of a square. The side length of a square is 12.56 cm. How many square meters is the area of a circle?
2. The perimeter of a round paperboard is equal to that of a square paperboard. It is known that the side length of a square paperboard is 12.56 cm. What is the radius of a round paperboard?

1. Radius = 12.56 × 4 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 8 cm
Area = 8 × 8 × 3.14 = 200.96 square centimeter
2. Radius = 12.56 × 4 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 8 cm

Draw the largest square in a circle. The diameter of the circle is 6 decimeters. What is the area of the circle besides the square

If the largest square is drawn in the circle, the diagonal of the square is 6 decimeters in diameter
The side length of the square is a = 6 / √ 2 = 3 √ 2 decimeters
So: the remaining area s = π R & # 178; - A & # 178; = π * (6 / 2) & # 178; - (3 √ 2) & # 178; = 9 π - 18 square decimeters
So: the remaining area is 9 π - 18 square decimeters = 10.26 square decimeters

The diameter of a circle is 8 decimeters. Cut it into the largest square. What's the area?
Complete formula! Don't give an answer directly!
Why write Qingshu? What does PI mean?

Just think of a square as two triangles. We have done this problem