True or false: the circumference of a semicircle is equal to 1 / 2 of the circle and then multiplied by the diameter Many students in my class say it's wrong, but I say it's right!

True or false: the circumference of a semicircle is equal to 1 / 2 of the circle and then multiplied by the diameter Many students in my class say it's wrong, but I say it's right!

Circumference of semicircle = π R + 2R

The longer the circumference of a circle, the larger the area______ (judge right or wrong)

The perimeter of a circle is 2 π R, which is proportional to the radius. The larger the perimeter is, the larger the radius is, and the larger the area is

The area of two semicircles is the area of a whole circle

The area of two semicircles is the area of a whole circle
The area of a semicircle with two equal radii is the area of a whole circle
The circumference of a whole circle must be longer than that of a semicircle (wrong)
The circumference of a circle is related to its radius