In a circle with a radius of 22 cm, cut a sector with a center angle of 144 degrees. The sector area is () square meters?

In a circle with a radius of 22 cm, cut a sector with a center angle of 144 degrees. The sector area is () square meters?

Area of circle with radius of 22cm = Πr ^ 2 = 1519.76cm ^ 2
The area of 144 degree sector is s △ 360 × 144 = 607.904cm ^ 2

The area of a sector with a center angle of 60 degrees is 8.96 square centimeters. The center angle of this sector is

Because the center angle of the circle is 60 degrees and the whole circle is 360 degrees, the sector area is one sixth of the circle area. Therefore, the sector area multiplied by 6 is the circle area of 53.76 square centimeters

It is known that the central angle of the sector is 18 ° and the radius is 10 meters, then the area of the sector is ()
Is the radius 10

5x5x3.14x18 △ 360 = 3.925m2
The area of the sector is (3.925 square meters)

Given that the central angle of the sector is 18 ° and the radius is 2cm, what is the area of the sector?

Area = 2 × 2 × 3.14 × 18 / 360 = 0.628 square centimeter

Uncle Wang surrounded a chicken pen by the wall (as shown in the picture below), which used 46 meters of fence. What's the area of the chicken pen?
The height of this chicken pen is 20 meters

If the wall you are leaning against is a trapezoidal hypotenuse, the method is as follows:
Trapezoid area = (46-20) * 20 / 2 = 260 square meters
If it's not the wall, there are many possibilities, only the extremum

As shown in the picture below, Uncle Zhang uses a fence to fence a vegetable field near the wall. The total length of the fence is 34 meters. What's the area of this field?

If it is enclosed into a rectangle, let the wide side be x, then the long side is 34-2x, and the area s = x (34-2x);
If a semicircle is formed, the total length of the fence is the circumference of the semicircle. If the radius is x, then C = π, x = 34, x = 34 / π

As shown in the picture, a chicken farm is surrounded by a fence. The fence is 56 meters long. What is its area?

Area is a variable, not fixed, the possible results are
1 * 27 = 27 square meters
2 * 26 = 52 square meters
3 * 25 = 75 square meters

There is a stake on the grass. A sheep is tied to the stake with a rope. If the rope is 3 meters long, how many square meters of grass can the sheep eat at most? (knots ignored)

3.14 × 32, = 3.14 × 9, = 28.26 square meters, a: this sheep can eat up to 28.26 square meters of grass

The area ratio of the big circle and the small circle is 25:9, and the circumference difference is 12.56?

CSY Chen Shiyu, the area ratio is the square of perimeter ratio, because the area ratio is 25:9 = 5 ^ 2:3 ^ 2, so the perimeter ratio is 5:3. The perimeter of small circle is: 12.56 ÷ (5-3) × 3 = 18.84 (CM), the radius of small circle is: 18.84 ÷ 3.14 ÷ 2 = 3 (CM), the area of small circle is: 3.14 × 3 × 3 = 28.26 (square centimeter)

If the central angle of the sector becomes 5 times of the original and the radius becomes 3 / 1 of the original, then the arc length becomes the original___ The area becomes the original_____

Five out of three, five out of nine