Volume and area formula of cone and cylinder

Volume and area formula of cone and cylinder

Volume of cylinder: bottom area multiplied by height surface area: side area + surface area multiplied by 2
Volume of cone: bottom area multiplied by height multiplied by one third of surface area: = side area of cone + area of bottom circle

Volume and area De formula of cylinder and cone

Cylinder surface area a = L * H + 2 * s = 2 π * r * H + 2 π * R ^ 2, Volume V = s * H = π * R ^ 2 * h
(l-perimeter of bottom, H-column height, s-area of bottom, r-radius of bottom circle)
Sphere surface area a = 4 π * R ^ 2, Volume V = 4 / 3 π * R ^ 3
(r-radius of sphere)
Cone surface area a = 1 / 2 * s * L + π * R ^ 2, Volume V = 1 / 3 * s * H = 1 / 3 π * R ^ 2 * h
(s -- generatrix length of cone, l -- circumference of bottom surface, R -- radius of bottom surface circle, h -- height of cone)
The surface area of pyramid a = 1 / 2 * s * L + s, Volume V = 1 / 3 * s * H
(s -- height of side triangle, l -- perimeter of bottom surface, s -- area of bottom surface, h -- height of pyramid)

Draw the largest circle in a square with 10 cm on the side. The circumference of the circle is () cm and the area is () cm(
Draw the largest circle in a square with 10 cm on the side. The circumference of the circle is () cm and the area is () square cm

The circumference of the circle is (31.4) cm and the area is (78.5) square cm
The radius of the circle is 10 △ 2 = 5 (CM)
Perimeter: 3.14 × 2 × 5 = 31.4 (CM)
Area: 3.14 × 5 × 5 = 78.5 (square centimeter)

There are two circles, big and small. Their area difference is 160 square centimeters. It is known that the perimeter ratio of the two circles is 5:3. What is the area of the big circle?

Circumference = 2 * pie * radius because the circumference of the big circle / the circumference of the small circle = 5 / 3, so the radius of the big circle / the radius of the small circle = 5 / 3. Suppose the radius of the big circle is x, then the radius of the small circle is 3 / 5x, the area of the circle = pie * radius square pie (0.6x) square = 160 pie (0.64 x square) = 160 pie x square = 250, the area of the big circle = pie x square, so

The perimeter ratio of the two circles is 3:2, the difference in area is 40 square centimeters, and the sum of the areas of the two circles is______ .

If the perimeter ratio of two circles is 3:2, the area ratio is 9:440 △ 9-4 = 40 △ 5 = 8 (square centimeter) 8 × (9 + 4) = 8 × 13 = 104 (square centimeter). A: the sum of the area of two circles is 104 square centimeter. So the answer is 104 square centimeter

The perimeter ratio of the two circles is 5:3. It is known that the area difference between the two circles is 32 square centimeters. What is the area of the two circles?

C1: C2 = 5:3, so R1: R2 = 5:3, S1: S2 = 25:9 (1)
S1-S2 = 32 (2)
Simulink: S1 = 50, S2 = 18

The perimeter ratio of the two circles is four to five. What is the area ratio of the two circles


The perimeter ratio of the two circles is 4:5, and the area ratio of this circle is (:

R1: R2 = 4:5, so S1: S2 = R1 ^ 2: R2 ^ = 16:25

There are two circles. The radius of the first circle is 4cm. The ratio of the perimeter of the second circle to the perimeter of the first circle is 4:5. What is the area of the second circle
square centimetre


If the perimeter ratio of two circles is 3:2, then their area ratio is 3:2______ .

Because the circumference of the circle is 2 π R and the area of the circle is π R2, the circumference ratio of the circle is equal to the radius ratio of the circle, and the area ratio of the circle is equal to the square ratio of the radius; and because the circumference ratio of two circles is 3:2, their area ratio is 32:22 = 9:4; so the answer is 9:4