Volume formula of cylinder and cone

Volume formula of cylinder and cone

Cylinder volume: SH (bottom area multiplied by height)
Cone volume: SH △ 3 (bottom area multiplied by height divided by three)

How to calculate the area and volume formula of cylinder and cone?

Circle d = 2R π, s = π R ^ 2
Cone d = 2R π, s = π R ^ 2, v = SH / 3
Diamond d = four times the sum of four sides, s = half the product of diagonal length,
Perimeter of a square = sum of four sides = four times of one side, area = square of side length
Perimeter, area and volume of the figure:
(1) perimeter (length of outer circumference)
C △ = sum of three sides
C rectangle = (length + width) × 2
C parallelogram = 2 times the sum of the lengths of two adjacent sides
C square = side length × 4
C diamond = side length × 4
C circle = 2 π R (R is radius) = π D (D is diameter)
C trapezoid = two base length + two waist length
(2) area
S △ = bottom × height △ 2
S rectangle = length × width
S parallelogram = base × height
S Square = square of side length
S Diamond = half of the diagonal product
S circle = π R2 (R is the radius)
S trapezoid = (upper bottom + lower bottom) × height △ 2
The calculation formula of the cylinder is as follows:
Formula of cylinder side area: side area = perimeter of bottom surface × height s side = C bottom × H
The formula of surface area of cylinder: surface area = 2 π R2 + perimeter of bottom surface × height s surface = s bottom + C bottom × H
Volume formula of cylinder: volume = bottom area × height V cylinder = s bottom × H
Cuboid volume formula:
Cuboid volume = length × width × height
If a, B and H are used to represent the length, width and height of a cuboid respectively, the formula is v length = ABH
The surface area formula of cube is as follows
Surface area = edge length × edge length × 6 s positive = a ^ 2 × 6
The volume formula of cube is as follows
The volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length
If a is used to represent the edge length of a cube, the volume formula of the cube is v-positive = a · a · a = a ^ 3
Volume of cone = 1 / 3 × bottom area × height V cone = 1 / 3 × s bottom × H
It's all here

The sum of the circumference, diameter and radius of a circle is 9.28 cm. How many square centimeters is the area and how many centimeters is the radius?

Let the radius be x, x + 2x + π 2x = 9.28
Find x = 1 and the radius is 1cm
The area is π * R ^ 2 = 3.14 square centimeter

Is the sentence "the circumference of a circle is π times the diameter, and the area of a circle is π times the square of the radius"?
He didn't say it was in the same circle?

That's right
S = Πr square

Is the circumference of a circle in direct proportion to its diameter, and is the area of a circle in direct proportion to its radius

Not in proportion
Area = square of π * radius
So the area is proportional to the square of the radius~

Given the area of a circle, how to find its perimeter, diameter and radius?

The radius is equal to the root of the area divided by π, the perimeter is equal to 2 π times the radius, and the diameter is equal to twice the radius

The total length of the circumference and diameter of a circle is 12.42 cm. Calculate the area of the circle and tell me what to seek at each step

Area of circle = square of radius
Circumference of circle = diameter
Because the total length of circumference and diameter of a circle is 12.42 cm
Pie * diameter + diameter = 12.42 pie = 3.14
So diameter = 3
So the area of the circle = 3.14 * 3 / 2 square = 7.065

The circumference of a semicircle is 30.84 cm, its radius is (), and its area is ()

The circumference of a semicircle is 30.84 cm, its radius is (6 cm), and its area is (56.52 square cm)
Radius = 30.84 ÷ (3.14 + 2) = 6cm
Area = 6 × 6 × 3.14 × 1 / 2 = 56.52 square centimeter

The perimeter ratio of the two circles is 3:2, and the area difference is only 10 square centimeters. What is the sum of the areas of the two circles

The perimeter ratio is 3:2, so the radius ratio is 3:2
So the area ratio is 9:4
That is, the area of the great circle is: 10 / (9-4) * 9 = 18
The area of small circle is: 10 / (9-4) * 4 = 8
Area sum: 18 + 8 = 26 square centimeters

The perimeter ratio of the two circles is 3:2, and the difference in area is 10 square centimeters. What is the sum of the areas of the two circles?

The perimeter ratio of the two circles is 3:2, and the difference in area is 10 square centimeters. What is the sum of the areas of the two circles?
The perimeter ratio is 3:2, so the radius ratio is 3:2
So the area ratio is 9:4
That is, the area of the great circle is: 10 / (9-4) * 9 = 18
The area of small circle is: 10 / (9-4) * 4 = 8
Area sum: 18 + 8 = 26 square centimeters