The net income of Xiaoming's orchard in 2003 was 8000 yuan. If 4% of the net income was used to pay the tax on special agricultural and forestry products, and 2680 yuan was set aside for family expenses, the rest of the money would be deposited in the bank for five years. If the annual interest rate was 6.66%, how much of the principal and after tax interest could Xiaoming get when it was due? (5% of the interest tax)

The net income of Xiaoming's orchard in 2003 was 8000 yuan. If 4% of the net income was used to pay the tax on special agricultural and forestry products, and 2680 yuan was set aside for family expenses, the rest of the money would be deposited in the bank for five years. If the annual interest rate was 6.66%, how much of the principal and after tax interest could Xiaoming get when it was due? (5% of the interest tax)

pay taxes
8000 × 4% = 320 yuan
Deposit in bank
8000-320-2680 = 5000 yuan
What is the interest at maturity
5000 × 6.66% × 5 = 1665 yuan
After tax interest is
1665 × (1-5%) = 1581.75 yuan
When it is due, the Xiaoming family can get the principal and after tax interest
5000 + 1581.75 = 6581.75 yuan

The radius of the big circle is equal to the diameter of the small circle, which is 4cm. The perimeter of the small circle is a few parts of the big circle, and the area of the compound is () times of the small circle

The radius of the big circle is equal to the diameter of the small circle, which is 4 cm. The perimeter of the small circle is 1 / 2 of that of the big circle, and the area of the compound is (4) times that of the small circle