Various formulas of cone and cylinder Translate the letters into Chinese

Various formulas of cone and cylinder Translate the letters into Chinese

Cylinder side area (1) original cylinder side area = bottom circumference × cylinder height s side = C × h because C = 2 Π R C = Π D, so the cylinder side area can also be written as: s side = 2 Π r h or s side = Π D H (2) bottom circumference = cylinder side area △ cylinder height C = s side △ h bottom diameter = cylinder side area △ cylinder height △ circumference

What is the volume formula of sector

The calculation formula of sector area is 1 / 2 × arc length × radius, which is similar to that of triangle area: 1 / 2 × bottom × height

Calculation formula of volume and area
All the places should be (stereoscopic)

Circumference of rectangle = (length + width) × 2
Perimeter of square = side length × 4
Area of rectangle = length × width
Area of a square = side length × side length
Area of triangle = bottom × height △ 2
Area of parallelogram = base × height
Area of trapezoid = (upper bottom + lower bottom) × height △ 2
Diameter = radius × 2 radius = diameter △ 2
Circumference of circle = circumference × diameter=
Circumference × radius × 2
Area of circle = circumference × radius × radius
The surface area of a cuboid=
(L × W + L × H + W × h) × 2
Cuboid volume = length × width × height
The surface area of cube is edge length × edge length × 6
The volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length
Side area of cylinder = circumference of bottom circle × height
Surface area of cylinder = area of upper and lower bottom surface + side area
Volume of cylinder = bottom area × height
The volume of the cone = the area of the bottom × the height △ 3
Cuboid (cube, cylinder)
Volume = bottom area × height
Plane figure
Nomenclature perimeter C and area s
Square a - side length C = 4A
Rectangle A and B - side length C = 2 (a + b)
Triangle a, B, C - trilateral length
The height of H-A edge
S - half the circumference
A. B, C - internal angle
Where s = (a + B + C) / 2 s = ah / 2
Quadrilateral D, d-diagonal length
α - diagonal angle s = DD / 2 · sin α
A, B-side length of parallelogram
The height of H-A edge
α - angle between two sides s = ah
Diamond A-side length
α - angle
D-Long diagonal length
D-short diagonal length s = DD / 2
Trapezoid A and B - length of upper and lower bottom
M-median line length s = (a + b) H / 2
R-radius of circle
D - diameter C = π d = 2 π R
Sector r-sector radius
A-degree of center angle
Arcuate l-arc length
B - chord length
H-vector height
The degree of α - center angle s = R2 / 2 · (π α / 180 sin α)
=r2arccos[(r-h)/r] - (r-h)(2rh-h2)1/2
=παr2/360 - b/2·[r2-(b/2)2]1/2
=r(l-b)/2 + bh/2
Ring R - radius of outer circle
R - radius of inner circle
D-diameter of outer circle
D-inner diameter s = π (r2-r2)
D-major axis of ellipse
D-Minor axis s = π DD / 4
Cubic figure
Nomenclature area s and volume V
Cube A-side length s = 6A2
Cuboid a-length
C-high s = 2 (AB + AC + BC)
Prism S-Base area
H-high v = sh
S-Base area of pyramid
H-high v = SH / 3
S1 and S2 - area of upper and lower base
H-high v = h [S1 + S2 + (s1s1) 1 / 2] / 3
Pseudo cylinder S1 - area of upper and bottom
S2 - bottom area
S0 - middle section area
H-high v = H (S1 + S2 + 4s0) / 6
R-base radius of cylinder
C-perimeter of bottom surface
S bottom - bottom area
S-side area
S surface - surface area C = 2 π R
S base = π R2
S side = Ch
S table = ch + 2S bottom
V = s, H
R-radius of hollow cylinder
R - radius of inner circle
H-high v = π H (r2-r2)
R-base radius of straight cone
H-high v = π r2h / 3
R - radius of the top and bottom of the cone
R - bottom radius
H-high v = π H (R2 + RR + R2) / 3
R-radius of sphere
D - diameter v = 4 / 3 π R3 = π D2 / 6
Ball deficiency H - ball deficiency height
R-radius of sphere
A-radius of the ball base v = π H (3a2 + H2) / 6
R1 and R2 - the radius of the top and bottom of the table
H-high v = π h [3 (R12 + R22) + H2] / 6
Torus R - radius of torus
D-ring diameter
R-ring section radius
D-ring section diameter v = 2 π 2r2
Barrel D - belly diameter
D - bottom diameter
H - barrel height v = π H (2d2 + D2) / 12
(the generatrix is circular and the center of the circle is the center of the barrel)
(the generatrix is parabolic)

If the perimeter of the big and small circles is 3:2, the area of the big circle is 31.4 square meters more than that of the small circle. How much is the area of the big circle and the small circle?

Since the area ratio is the square of the perimeter ratio, if the area of a small circle is 4x, the area of a large circle is 9x,
The area of small circle is 4x = 25.12,
Big circle area is 9x = 56.52. Hope to help you!

The perimeter ratio of two circles is 3:2, and the difference in area is 25 square centimeters. What is the sum of the areas of two circles

If the circumference ratio of a circle is 3:2, the radius R: r = 3:2
Then π R ^ 2 = 45-25 = 20
The sum of the areas of the two circles = 45 + 20 = 65 square centimeters

The perimeter ratio of the two circles is 3:2, and the area difference is 25 square centimeters. What is the sum of the areas of the two circles?

The area ratio is equal to the square of perimeter ratio, that is, 9:4. Let the area of two circles be 9x, 4x, so 9x-4x = 25, x = 5, so 9x = 45, 4x = 20, s = 45 + 20 = 65

The sum of the circumference of the two circles is 94.2 decimeters. The radius of the small circle is 25% of the radius of the big circle. What are the area of the big and small circles in square decimeters
I have an emergency!

The sum of the diameters of the two circles is 94.2 / 3.14 = 30m
The sum of the radii of the two circles is: 30 / 2 = 15m
The radius of the small circle is 25% of the radius of the big circle, so the radius of the big circle: 15 / (1 + 25%) = 12 meters
The radius of the small circle is: 12 * 25% = 3m or 15-12 = 3M
The area of the small circle is: 3 * 3 * 3.14 = 28.26 square meters
Da Yuan 12 * 12 * 3.14 = 452.16 square meters

The diameter of circle a is 8 cm, which is 1 / 7 more than the radius of the hospital. The area of circle B is () square cm, and the circumference of circle B is () who knows

Radius of circle B: 8 ÷ (1 + 1 / 7) = 7cm
Perimeter of B: 3.14 × 7 × 2 = 43.96 cm
The area of circle B: 3.14 × 7-178; = 153.86 square centimeter

There are two circles a and B. the perimeter of circle a is 9.42 meters, the area of circle B is 94.2 square meters, and the radius ratio of circle a to circle B is ()
The ratio of the circumference of the two circles is 5:8, the diameter ratio is () the radius ratio is () and the area ratio is ()?
The radius of the semicircle is D, the perimeter is () and the area is ()?
A 44 meter long fence is used to form a circular nursery. 4 cm is used at the joint of the fence. What is the area of the nursery? (urgent,)

There are two circles a and B. the perimeter of circle a is 9.42 meters, the area of circle B is 94.2 square meters, and the radius ratio of circle a and circle B is (1.5: √ 30)
Is the perimeter ratio of the two circles 5:8, the diameter ratio (5:8), the radius ratio (5:8) and the area ratio (25:64)?
The radius of the semicircle is D, the perimeter is (2 π d), and the area is (π D & # 178;)?
A 44 meter long fence is used to form a circular nursery. 4 cm is used at the joint of the fence. What is the area of the nursery? (49 π m2)

The radius of circle a is 2 / 3 of that of circle B. what is the perimeter ratio of circle a to circle B? What is the area ratio of circle B to circle a?

Week a: Week B = 2:3
Side a: side B = 4:9