The same word will have different meanings in different language environments. Write down the meanings of the following words in sentences 1. I opened my umbrella and dived into the rain curtain Zha 2. Uncle of the people's Liberation Army set up camp at the foot of the mountain 3. A needle pierced her finger 1. As soon as we enter the park, we smell the fragrance of flowers There is an important news in today's newspaper 3. There are no people in the empty mountain, but people talk

The same word will have different meanings in different language environments. Write down the meanings of the following words in sentences 1. I opened my umbrella and dived into the rain curtain Zha 2. Uncle of the people's Liberation Army set up camp at the foot of the mountain 3. A needle pierced her finger 1. As soon as we enter the park, we smell the fragrance of flowers There is an important news in today's newspaper 3. There are no people in the empty mountain, but people talk

A verb that means to rush into one or more things
2. Garrison
Something sharp pierces into a place
Feel the smell with your nose
2 information events
3 hear

Read the sentences and write the words that are similar to the words in brackets
The light from flashlights and searchlights scatters (in all directions)
Words similar to "in all directions" can make sense even if "in all directions" is changed into other words. Don't make any mistakes like "all over the world". Don't get confused when you read them

Ten sides and eight directions