Make sentences with the following words, one sentence for each Be true to nature, be joyous and sorrowful, be powerful and powerful, and stride with all one's might

Make sentences with the following words, one sentence for each Be true to nature, be joyous and sorrowful, be powerful and powerful, and stride with all one's might

Tu Honggang was invited to perform in Peking Opera, which is also considered to be true
Joys and sorrows of separation --- all kinds of joys and sorrows in the world make me realize the value of family affection
The Yangtze River, like a mighty warrior, roars to the sea
All means - the U.S. government can't solve the economic downturn by all means
Swagger - he's big and handsome. He's swaggering and has a great bearing
If you don't know anything, just ask me. I'm in Grade 6

Read the sentences and make sentences with the words in ()
It's a business. I hope you don't (refuse)
I have to (command) the craftsmen that they should delay deliberately, that they should not have all the materials for their arrows
Lu Su (surprised) said: "what if Cao Bing comes out?"

He likes to shirk responsibility most, so everyone doesn't like him
I have told the servant to do it, you don't have to worry
3. Everyone was surprised to hear that Liu Hulan had been killed