Verdant and elegant, admiring the Creator

Verdant and elegant, admiring the Creator

Fantasy: strange and illusory. Ancient times: remote ancient times. Bones: human bones, animal bones in the text. Nonexistence: nonexistence. Stealth: Secret walk. Hide: contain, hide. Verdant: (vegetation) lush. Elegant: quiet and elegant. Admiration: praise and admiration. Creator: Christians believe that God created all

Explanation of words in Chinese Lesson 12

Is Lesson 12 "Mr. Wen Yiduo's saying and doing"?
If yes, the explanation is:
Decline: decline; not flourish
Impressively: describes the sudden appearance of something surprising or striking
To rise and appear again and again
High standard: outstanding
Perseverance: it means perseverance and perseverance
Wu Wu poor years: hard to do all year round
Pour out one's heart and blood: it refers to paying all one's energy. It is often described as exerting one's heart and energy in one's career, work, literary creation, etc
Concentrate on: concentrate on it
The mind will concentrate: the mind and spirit are completely gathered and concentrated
Very different: very different
Reverse the past: totally different from the past
Impassioned: describe emotion, tone of voice excited, high spirited and full of righteousness, the expression of a very happy appearance
Bullfight: it describes that momentum can soar to the sky
That's what you should have. It's from pep