What do you mean by smile, pray, Bingdi, Huarui, hanpeng, Xianxie, compassionate and shady

What do you mean by smile, pray, Bingdi, Huarui, hanpeng, Xianxie, compassionate and shady

Smile secretly pray to God for blessing and point to two flowers growing side by side on the same stem
The good omen of the flower is that the lotus is slanting, loving and kind
Shelter, shelter

Explanation of words in Chinese Lesson 11

Langrun: bright and lustrous. The color of the mountain suddenly becomes bright and bright. Suddenly, kailanglang means bright color, while Runrun means warm and moist
Brewing: the fermentation process after the processing of wine making materials. It refers to the ripening of conditions through prior consideration or negotiation
Show off: still playing. Wanzhuan: to describe a mellow and soft voice. Loud: to describe a loud voice
Halo: faint yellow and not bright. Halo, the aperture around the sun or moon, also refers to the blurred part around light, shadow or color
Foil: first, it generally refers to the foil, which makes the main tone prominent. For example, the blue sky is set against the white clouds, and the green leaves are set against the red flowers; second, it refers to a way of expression in literary creation, that is, through the side description, the things to be expressed are bright and prominent. Specifically, it refers to the meaning of foil
Silence: people don't speak, they don't make a sound
Shuhuo: stretch, move, stretch muscles and bones, let the spirit rise. Stretch, move
Joyful: joyful appearance, describes the mood is good
Flourishing tender leaves: it describes the blooming flowers and tender green leaves
Calling for friends: calling for friends and inviting partners
Cheer up: cheer up
Flowery: swinging in the wind. It's like a flowery branch swinging in the wind. It's used to describe a beautiful woman