Explanation of words from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei Bookstore The explanation of the rare A solid explanation The explanation of the uproar The explanation of Su of suru

Explanation of words from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei Bookstore The explanation of the rare A solid explanation The explanation of the uproar The explanation of Su of suru

Han: less
Clear and true
Boiling: boiling
Su: a learned old man
I wish you a happy study

From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei Bookstore

If you press your finger on its back, you will clap and puff out a puff of smoke from its back orifice. The Caulis Polygoni Multiflori is entangled with the Caulis Manglietia. The Caulis Manglietia has lotus like fruits, and the Caulis Polygoni Multiflori has swollen roots
It is not necessary to say the green vegetable beds, the smooth stone well fences, the tall acacia trees, the purple mulberry trees, or the cicadas singing in the leaves,
The fat wasp fell on the cauliflower and called the skylark lightly. Suddenly, he ran straight from the grass to the sky
4 sweep away a piece of snow and expose it to the ground. Use a short stick to set up a large bamboo sieve. Scatter some chaff grain under it. Tie a long rope on the stick. People will lead it from a distance and watch the birds come down to peck. When they come to the bottom of the bamboo sieve,
Pull the rope and cover it
If you are not afraid of thorns, you can also pick raspberries, which are sour and sweet, much better in color and taste than mulberry
The root of Polygonum multiflorum is like a human being. If you eat it, you can become an immortal
So they often pull it up, and constantly pull it up. They have damaged the mud wall, but they have never seen a root like a human
I'm quite experienced, as our teachers have said, ah La is from here, believe me!