From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore, do I mean Lu Xun himself

From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore, do I mean Lu Xun himself

From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore is a prose about Lu Xun's childhood
Collected by the author of prose collection "morning and evening", which I are the protagonist's own
Many times in Lu Xun's novels, I, or Xun Ge, are not the author himself, which is determined by the style. The protagonists in the novels are fictional characters of the author, but there are some shadows of the author himself

From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei Bookstore

First, it not only grasps the characteristics of things, but also conforms to children's psychology. The reason why Shijing hurdle is "smooth" is that the well has been used for many years. The reason why it is "smooth" is that Lu Xun in his childhood had touched it curiously many times

Appreciation of the second natural section from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei Bookstore

The second paragraph is well-organized. Needless to say, it does not need to say. It summarizes the interesting scenery and things in the herb garden. Here is to highlight the following "Shan Shi."
The first "don't have to say" writes about still life from low to high, and the second "don't have to say" writes about animals from high to low
The combination of these sequences not only describes children's curious eyes, but also makes the scenery conform to people's observation order