From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore, where are the good words and sentences

From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore, where are the good words and sentences

For example, which good words and sentences?
Fat wasp on cauliflower, light call the emperor suddenly straight from the grass to the sky
The word "Fu" vividly describes the lovely image of the fat wasp, and the word "ran" vividly describes not only the lightness and cleverness of the emperor, but also the envy of children

Good words and sentences in from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei Bookstore
If anyone answers, there will be a reward! I have an urgent need!

These are good sentences, and good words are in them
1) Needless to say, the green vegetable beds, the smooth stone well fences, the tall acacia trees, the purple mulberries, the cicadas singing in the leaves, the fat wasps lying on the cauliflower, and the light call Skylark suddenly darting from the grass to the clouds. The short mud wall around the root area alone has infinite fun
2) The Chrysopidae is singing here, and the crickets are playing here. When you turn over the broken brick, you sometimes meet the centipede; and the cantharidin, if you press its back with your fingers, it will blow out a puff of smoke from the back orifice. The Polygonum multiflorum vine and the Manglietia vine are entangled, the Manglietia has the fruit of Lotus House, and the Polygonum multiflorum has the bloated root

From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei Bookstore
Seeking good words from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore, seeking 60 > V

Sure, vegetable border, light, tangled, bloated, accumulated, brain, appreciation, rare human traces, foraging, chaff grain, bamboo sieve, reason, school, amiable, profound, cicada slough, loud voice, casual and elegant, incisive

From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei Bookstore
But I want a good sentence

From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore: Sanwei bookstore: it is a famous private school in Shaoxing City at the end of Qing Dynasty. Lu Xun studied here at the age of 12, and his teacher is Mr. shoujinghu. Sanwei bookstore is a three room small flower hall, This is the study of the Shou family. Mr. Shou Jingwu has been teaching here for 60 years. The flavor of "Sanwei bookstore": the "Sanwei bookstore" mentioned by Mr. Lu Xun in his famous prose from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore is near the former residence of Mr. Lu Xun in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, where he studied in his youth. So, why is it called "Sanwei bookstore", "Three tastes" comes from the old saying that "reading classics tastes like rice and Liang, reading history tastes like food, reading hundreds of schools of thought, and tastes like vinegar and meat sauce". Its main meaning is: reading four books and five classics tastes like eating rice and noodles, which is the foundation of food; reading historical records tastes like drinking good wine and eating delicious food; reading Zhuzi hundred books and so on, The plaque of Sanwei bookstore was written by Liang Shanzhou, a famous calligrapher in Qianjia period of Qing Dynasty. At that time, a pair of woodcut couplets were hung on both sides of the plaque: "music is silent, filial piety is the only thing.", "Taitang flavor" means reading. "From BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore" means reading classics is like eating staple food; reading history is like eating dishes; reading other things is like adding seasoning. About "three flavors": Lu Xun's private school teacher (Sanwei bookstore) Mr. Shou Jingwu's descendants said, "three flavors" means warm cloth, fragrant vegetable roots and long taste of poetry and books, "Bu Yi Nuan" means to be willing to be a common people instead of being an official; "Cai Gen Xiang" means to be satisfied with plain food and not yearn for the enjoyment of delicacies; "long taste of poetry" means to experience the profound content of poetry and obtain a profound taste