How to find the perimeter of a cube?

How to find the perimeter of a cube?

Perimeter = edge length × 12

The edge length of a cube is 4 decimeters, the sum of its edge lengths is (), and the perimeter of its bottom surface is ()

The edge length of a cube is 4 decimeters, its total edge length is (48), and its base circumference is (16)

The perimeter of the bottom surface of a cube is 20cm. What is the sum of its edge lengths

Edge length:
20 △ 4 = 5 (CM)
the sum:
5 × 12 = 60 (CM)

The perimeter of the bottom of a cube is 20 cm, and the volume of the cube is______ .

The edge length of the cube: 20 △ 4 = 5 (CM), the volume of the cube: 5 × 5 × 5 = 125 (square cm). A: the volume of the cube is 125 square cm. So the answer is: 125 square cm

The perimeter of the bottom surface of a cube is 24 decimeters. The surface area of the cube is () square decimeters? The volume is () cubic decimeters?

Edge length = 24 △ 4 = 6dm
Surface area = 6 × 6 × 6 = 216 square decimeters
Volume = 6 × 6 × 6 = 216 cubic decimeter

The perimeter of the bottom of the cube is 24 decimeters. What is the volume of the cube

Edge length: 24 △ 4 = 6dm
Volume: 6 × 6 × 6 = 216 cubic decimeter

The bottom area of a cuboid is a cube with a circumference of 24 cm, and its height is 6 cm. What's its volume

Xueting Jingjing: Hello
Side length of bottom surface: 24cm △ 4 = 6cm
Volume: (24cm △ 4) &# 178; × 6cm = 36cm & # 178; × 6 = 216cm & # 179;
A: the volume is 216 cubic centimeters
Good luck and goodbye

Formula of circumference of cone
The circumference of a cone is 56.52m and the height is 8m
How to find the circumference of a cone? Is the circumference of a cone equal to the circumference of its bottom?

The circumference of the cone should be the circumference of the bottom, because there is no other circumference on the cone. Believe me, I just finished this chapter. I must have made a mistake in the title

Circumference formula of cone

Or C = 2 * π * r

The volume formula of cone with known base circumference and height