How to calculate the volume, surface area and volume formula of cone bucket?

How to calculate the volume, surface area and volume formula of cone bucket?

3.14r2 + 1 / 2 bus length * bottom perimeter surface area s = π * R ^ 2 + π RL R -- cone bottom radius; L -- cone bottom perimeter volume formula v = (1 / 3) * pie * H / (R-R) * (R ^ 3-R ^ 3)
Thank you for your question!

Letter formula of cone surface area formula
Be right

Cone surface area
S = π RL + π r square (L is the bus length and R is the bottom radius)

Formulas for cone volume, surface area, cylinder, volume, surface area. Do not use letters

The volume of a cone is equal to one-third of the volume multiplied by the bottom area multiplied by the height, and the surface area of a cone is temporarily unknown. The volume of a cylinder is equal to the bottom area multiplied by the height, and the surface area of a cylinder is equal to the side area plus the bottom area

A total of 175 trees were planted in the three classes of grade 6, of which 2 / 7 were planted in class 1, 2 / 5 in class 2, and the remaining trees were planted in class 3. How many trees were planted in each of the three classes?

One class 175 × 2 / 7 = 50
Class 2 175 × 2 / 5 = 70
Class 3 175-50-70 = 55

There are 120 trees planted in three classes in Grade 6. Class 1 plants 3 / 10 of the total trees. The tree ratio of class 2 and class 3 is 4:3. How many trees should be planted in the three classes

Class 1: 120x3 / 10 = 36 (trees)
120-36 = 84 (trees)
Class 2: 84x4 / (4 + 3) = 48 (trees)
Class 3: 84-48 = 36 (trees)

How many trees should each group plant? A group of 16 people, two groups of 14 people, three groups of 18 people, a total of 72 trees

72 × (8 △ 24) = 24 (trees)
72 × (7 ÷ 24) = 21 (trees)
72 × (9 / 24) = 27 (trees)

Three groups go to plant trees. The trees are divided according to the number of people. How many trees should each group plant
There are 8 people in one group, 7 people in two groups, 9 people in three groups and 72 trees

Each person should plant trees: 72 / (8 + 7 + 9) = 3 (trees)
A group of trees should be planted: 3x8 = 24 (trees)
Two groups of trees should be planted: 3x7 = 21 (trees)
Three groups of trees should be planted: 3x9 = 27 (trees)
A: 24 trees should be planted in the first group, 21 trees in the second group and 27 trees in the third group
I hope it can help you,

There are three groups to plant trees. The trees are divided according to the number of people. Each group should plant 72 trees with 16 people in one group, 14 people in two groups and 18 people in three groups

One group: 72 × 16 / 48 = 24
Group 2: 72 × 14 / 48 = 21
Three groups: 72 × 18 / 48 = 27

Class 6 and class 3 go to plant trees. The trees are distributed according to the number of people. There are three groups. The first group has seven people; the second group has eight people; the third group has nine people. How many trees are planted in each group?
Class 6 and class 3 go to plant trees. The trees are distributed according to the number of people. There are three groups. The first group has seven people; the second group has eight people; the third group has nine people. How many trees are planted in each group? 72 trees were planted in three groups.

The first group: 7 × 3 = 21 trees
The second group: 8 × 3 = 24
The third group: 9 × 3 = 27

In the first group, 6 people planted 15 trees; in the second group, 8 people planted 18 trees; in the third group, 5 people planted
In the first group, 6 people planted 15 trees; in the second group, 8 people planted 18 trees; in the third group, 5 people planted 14 trees. Which group planted more trees on average?

15 divided by 6 is 2.5
18 divided by 8 is 2.25
14 divided by 5 is 2.8
2.25 less than 2.5 less than 2.8
A: the third group planted more trees per person