In the picture on the left, the radius of the circle is R. please use a formula with letters to show the perimeter and area of the square The radius is 1cm

In the picture on the left, the radius of the circle is R. please use a formula with letters to show the perimeter and area of the square The radius is 1cm

Is it the largest square in the circle or the circumscribed square of the circle? Is the radius 1 or R?
One: C = 4 √ 2R s = 2R & # 178;
Two: C = 8R, s = 4R & # 178;

The perimeter of a square is c. the area of the square is expressed by a formula containing letters

The area of this square = (C / 4) ^ 2 = 1 / 16 * C ^ 2

How to calculate 3.7 * 9.9 simply

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How to calculate (1 / 7 * 9 / 13 + 1 / 7) / 3 / 13 easily

Original formula = 1 / 7 (9 / 13 + 1) / (3 / 13)
The title is probably wrong. At the beginning, I always feel strange about how to do it. When I see the process of giving it upstairs, I should do it according to (1 / 7 * 9 / 13 + 1 / 7) / (3 / 13). The 3 / 13 after MS should be a score

Three times of a number plus 1.2 times of the number equals 13.44. What is the number?

Let this number be X

How to calculate 3 / 8 minus 1 / 15 times 3 / 8

Three eighths minus one fifteen times three eighths
=3 / 8 × (1-1 / 15)
=3 / 8 × 14 / 15
=Seven out of twenty

Four out of seven minus three out of eight plus five out of seven plus three out of eight
Just that, three eighths and three eighths, how come it's gone

Because it's three eighths down and three eighths up, so it's zero
The remaining four seventh and five seventh denominators add and subtract the same numerator, and finally nine seventh

A round board with a radius of 5cm is sawed into 10 fan-shaped boards on average. The perimeter of each fan-shaped board is_________ The area is_________

A round board with a radius of 5cm is sawed into 10 fan-shaped boards on average. The perimeter of each fan-shaped board is_ 13.14 cm________ The area is___ 7.85 square centimeter______
Perimeter = (5 + 5) × 3.14 △ 10 + (5 + 5)
Area = 5 × 5 × 3.14 △ 10

Divide a round board of 314cm into four equal sectors. What is the circumference of each sector?

Diameter: 314 / 3.14 = 100cm
314 / 4 + 100 = 178.5cm
That is to divide the circumference into four parts, plus two radii, that is, one diameter

If the sector radius is 1 and the perimeter is π, the sector area is?

s=(π -2)*1/2=(π /2)-1