Who knows the surface area formula of cuboid and cube? Surface area formula: what is it·······

Who knows the surface area formula of cuboid and cube? Surface area formula: what is it·······

Cuboid: surface area = (L x W + L x H + W x H) x2
Cube: surface area = edge length x edge length x6
Note: edge length is the edge of a square
I'm glad to answer for you,

Surface area formula of cuboid

Cube: S = 6A square
Cuboid: S = 2 (AB + ah + BH)

Cuboid or cube volume letter formula

Cuboid volume = ABH (length by width by height)
Volume of cube = the third power of a (edge length times edge length times edge length)

The volume formula of cube and cuboid can be written as (), which is indicated by letters

Volume = length x width x height v = ABH

Cuboid, cube volume formula and formula for length, width, height and edge length

Cuboid volume = length × width × height, v = a × B × h, cuboid volume = edge length × edge length × edge length, v = a × a × a, cuboid volume = bottom area × height, v = s × h, cuboid length = volume (width × height)

A total of 72 trees were planted, including 23 trees planted by 8 students in the first group, 22 trees planted by 7 students in the second group, and 9 trees planted by 9 students in the third group

72 ÷ (8 + 7 + 9) = 3 (trees)

There are three classes of students in Grade 6 planting trees. The trees planted in class 6 (1) account for 40% of the total trees. The ratio of trees planted in class 6 (2) and class 6 (3) is 2:3
It is known that there are 24 more trees planted in class 6 (3) than in class 6 (2). How many trees are planted in each of the three classes?

Class 1 is 40%, class 2 and class 3 add up to 60%, class 2 and class 3 are 2:3, so class 2 is 60% × 2 / (2 + 3) = 24%, class 3 is 36%, class 3 is 12% more than Class 2, and there are 24 more trees, so the total number is 200. So class 1 is 80, class 2 is 48, class 3 is 72

The sixth grade students planted 320 trees, one seventh more than the fifth grade students. How many trees did the fifth grade students plant?

If x trees are planted in Grade 5, then (x + 1 / 7X) trees are planted in Grade 6
The solution is x = 280
The simple point can be: 320 / (1 + 1 / 7) = 280

There are three groups to plant trees. How many trees should be planted in each group according to the number of people? A total of 72 trees should be planted in each group. There are three groups of 9 people, two groups of 7 people and one group of 8 people

There are three groups to plant trees. There are 16 people in the first group, 14 people in the second group and 18 people in the third group. There are 72 trees in total

The first group needs to complete 16 * 1.5 = 24 trees
The second group needs to complete 14 * 1.5 = 21 trees
The third group needs to complete 18 * 1.5 = 27 trees