The minimum multiple of natural number a is exactly equal to the maximum factor of natural number B. please compare the size of A.B

The minimum multiple of natural number a is exactly equal to the maximum factor of natural number B. please compare the size of A.B

Because the minimum multiple of a = a
The maximum factor of B = b
The minimum multiple of a = the maximum factor of B
So a = B

1. If a is equal to one third of B, what is the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of a and B?
2. The side area of a cylinder is 314 square centimeters, and its volume is 912 cubic centimeters. What is its bottom area?
3. A rectangle is 4cm in length and 3cm in width. With one of its edges as the axis, rotate the rectangle for one circle. What is the maximum volume of the three-dimensional figure?

1. 2. Let the bottom radius be r, then the bottom area is pi * R ^ 2, and the bottom perimeter is 2 * pi * r. because the side area is 314, the height of the cylinder = side area / perimeter = 314 / (2 * pi * r). In this case, the volume of the cylinder = bottom area * height = [pi * R ^ 2] * [314 / (2 * pi * r)] = 314r / 2 = 157r

A piece of aluminum wire with a length of 24 is folded into a triangle whose sides are positive integers. The three sides of the triangle are marked as a, B and C respectively, and a ≤ B ≤ C. please write a, B and C satisfying the meaning of the question as far as possible

∵ a + B + C = 24, and a + B > C, a ≤ B ≤ C, ∵ 8 ≤ C ≤ 11, that is, C = 8, 9, 10, 11, so we can get (a, B, c) 12 groups: a (2, 11, 11), B (3, 10, 11), C (4, 9, 11), D (5, 8, 11), e (6, 7, 11), f (4, 10, 10), G (5, 9, 10), H (6, 8, 10), I (7, 7, 10), J (6, 9, 9), K (7, 8, 9), l (8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10), J (7, 9), K (7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10), 8).

A piece of aluminum wire with a length of 24 is folded into a triangle whose sides are positive integers. The three sides of the triangle are marked as a, B and C respectively, and a ≤ B ≤ C. please write a, B and C satisfying the meaning of the question as far as possible

∵ a + B + C = 24, and a + B > C, a ≤ B ≤ C, ∵ 8 ≤ C ≤ 11, that is, C = 8, 9, 10, 11, so we can get (a, B, c) 12 groups: a (2, 11, 11), B (3, 10, 11), C (4, 9, 11), D (5, 8, 11), e (6, 7, 11), f (4, 10, 10), G (5, 9, 10), H (6, 8, 10), I (7, 7, 10), J (6, 9, 9), K (7, 8, 9), l (8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10), J (7, 9), K (7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10), 8).

How many groups of values can a 24 length aluminum wire satisfy the meaning of the question
5. A piece of aluminum wire with a length of 24 is folded into a triangle whose sides are positive integers. The three sides of the triangle are marked as a, B and C respectively, and a ≤ B ≤ C. please write a, B and C satisfying the meaning of the question as far as possible

First, the sum of the short and middle sides of a triangle is greater than the long side a + b > C
6.9.9 (completed) because the following is repeated, it can't count

Circle plus triangle is equal to 24, triangle plus triangle plus triangle is equal to circle, how much is triangle equal to? How much is circle equal to

Three triangles are equivalent to one circle, then four triangles are 24, so one triangle is equal to 6
A triangle equals six
The circle equals 18

How to calculate the addition and subtraction of vector a and B?

Direct addition and subtraction

Two vectors of the same dimension can be added or subtracted. The rule is that the corresponding components are added or subtracted. What do you mean?

Distance describes two n-dimensional vectors a = (A1, A2, A3,...) an) b=(b1,b2,b3,…… bn)
A-B = (a1-b1, A2-B2, a3-b3 an-bn)
No matter how much n is taken, it is true

How to prove the perpendicularity of plane with vector

The basic method to solve the problem is as follows
1) In the solid geometry, select the appropriate point and straight line direction to establish the space rectangular coordinate system
2) If the coordinate unit is not given in the problem, the appropriate line segment can be selected to set the length unit;
3) The coordinate values of relevant points are calculated and the coordinates of relevant vectors are obtained;
4) Solving a given problem
The method to prove that a straight line is perpendicular to a plane is to select two vectors in the plane and calculate the number product with the known straight line vector respectively. As long as the two vectors are zero, the conclusion can be explained
The key to prove that a straight line is parallel to a plane is to find a vector in the plane which is parallel to the vector of the straight line. This is transformed into the problem of proving that two vectors are parallel, as long as one vector is m (real number) times of the other vector
As long as you do more questions or look at some examples, you will not get experience and methods

How to prove that vector is perpendicular

1. The product of two vectors is zero
2. Prove that the product of two coordinates is zero by coordinate method