Three fifths of a number is four times more than 0.75. Find the number

Three fifths of a number is four times more than 0.75. Find the number

Let this number be X

The number 6.75 is 1 / 2 less than 5 / 3 of what number. Find this number. (solution of equations)!

Let this number be X

75% of a number is 10.5 more than two-thirds of it

Let this number be a

Put the seven numbers 1,2,3, into the circle respectively, so that the sum of the three numbers on each line is equal to 14. Let's solve it by equation
Mathematics problem in grade one of junior high school. Fill the seven numbers 1, 2, 3, into the circle respectively, so that the sum of the three numbers on each straight line is equal to 14. Let's solve it by equation. A circle in the middle and six circles around will form three pairs of numbers. Kneeling for the solution of the math expert, little girl sobs····
Just draw your own picture····

Fill in 7 in the middle, the remaining 16 pairs, 25 pairs and 34 pairs

365 days, 8706 hours, 525600 minutes, 3153600
How do you calculate that there will be 8706 hours, 525600 minutes, 3153600 in 365 days a year

365 days = 8706 hours = 525600 minutes = 3153600 seconds
8706 hours 5205600 minutes 3153600 seconds = 3 years

There are 365 days in a year and 7 days in a week. How many weeks are there in a year

50 weeks is 350 days, as you can see



1 + 2 + 49 + 80 + 58 + 85 + 52 + 41 + 53 + 83 + 7.8 + 8.7 + 8.85 + 8.234?


Solving the equations {Y-1 = X-Y, X-Y = 37-x

The equations are as follows
2x-y = 37, substitute x to get 4y-2-y = 37, get 3Y = 39,
So y = 13
The solution is x = 25, y = 13

Use matlab to solve the equations: x ^ 2 + (y-25 * sqrt (3)) ^ 2 = 100; (x-75) ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 6400; seek the expert's advice!

The symbolic solution method is used
syms x y;
[x,y] = solve('x^2+(y-25*sqrt(3))^2=100','(x-75)^2+y^2=6400','x,y')