(the sooner the better) (22:18:55:38) 1 The order of rational numbers a, B, C, D on the number axis is D, C, B, 0, A. try to get the exact algebraic formula: (1) a + B / B; (2) B-C / D-B times the sign of ab 2 If a, B, C are rational numbers, and the absolute value of a / A & # 160; the absolute value of B + B + C / C is equal to 1, the absolute value of ABC / ABC is obtained

(the sooner the better) (22:18:55:38) 1 The order of rational numbers a, B, C, D on the number axis is D, C, B, 0, A. try to get the exact algebraic formula: (1) a + B / B; (2) B-C / D-B times the sign of ab 2 If a, B, C are rational numbers, and the absolute value of a / A & # 160; the absolute value of B + B + C / C is equal to 1, the absolute value of ABC / ABC is obtained

The order of rational numbers a, B, C, D on the number axis is D, C, B, 0, A. try to get the exact algebraic formula: (1) a + B / b > 0; (2) B-C / D-B multiplied by ab > 0
If a, B, C are rational numbers and the absolute value of a / a plus the absolute value of B / B plus the absolute value of C / C is equal to 1, then the absolute value of ABC = 0

In order to promote the sales of a certain brand of air conditioner, the store promises to purchase the air conditioner on New Year's day of 2009, which can be paid in two installments. The remaining part and the loan interest (annual interest rate is 5.6%) will be paid in New Year's day of 2010. It is known that the selling price of the air conditioner is 8224 yuan per unit. If the two payments are the same, how much is the payable each time;   & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; with the equation solution, let's think of a way,

Suppose X Yuan is paid each time, the annual interest rate is 5.6%, the monthly interest rate is 5.6% / 12, and the installment interest is calculated by monthly compound interest (8224-x) * (1 + 5.6% / 12) ^ 12 = XX * [1 + (1 + 5.6% / 12) ^ 12] = 8224 * (1 + 5.6% / 12) ^ 12x = 4226.84