Mathematics in grade one, please answer in detail, thank you! (9 10:35:37) If the number a is x and the number a is 3 / 5 of the number B, what is the number B?   a and B represent a two digit one digit number and a ten digit number respectively, then why does this two digit number represent? If X-2 | X-2 | = - 1, what is the value range of X

Mathematics in grade one, please answer in detail, thank you! (9 10:35:37) If the number a is x and the number a is 3 / 5 of the number B, what is the number B?   a and B represent a two digit one digit number and a ten digit number respectively, then why does this two digit number represent? If X-2 | X-2 | = - 1, what is the value range of X

1. A x B 3 / 5 * x
2.10a+b 10b+a
3. [X-2] is an absolute value, which must be greater than 0. Because the result is less than 0, X-2 must be less than zero

The price of a certain kind of children's clothing is increased by 10% on the basis of the purchase price. It is known that 20% discount is 11 yuan more than 70% discount. How much is the purchase price of this kind of children's clothing?

If the purchase price is x, then the price is 1.1 X
Then the equation 0.8 x 1.1x - 0.7 x 1.1x = 11 yuan
Solution x = 100 yuan, that is, the purchase price is 100 yuan

If xy = - 1, what is the power of (XY) 2008
