When k is what value, the solution of equation (5x-6x) △ 8 = K / 2 + 1 is nonnegative?

When k is what value, the solution of equation (5x-6x) △ 8 = K / 2 + 1 is nonnegative?

K is a nonnegative number

It is known that K is a positive integer no more than 10. Try to find out a value of K, which is the solution of the equation 5x-6k = one half (x-5k-1) of X, and also a positive integer, and find out the solution of the equation at this time

5x-6k = 0.5 (x-5k-1), 9x = 7k-1, because K is not more than 10 positive integer, X is also a positive integer, so k = 4, x = 3

Given that K is a positive integer, try to find two values of K, so that the solution of the equation 5x-6k = x-5k-1 about X is also a positive integer, and find out the solution of this equation. How many such K are there?

The solution of 5x-6k = x-5k-1 is x = k-14, when k = 5, x = 1; when k = 9, x = 2; as long as k-1 is a positive integer multiple of 4, the solution of the equation is a positive integer solution, so the value of K is innumerable

Given that K is a positive integer, try to find two values of K, so that the solution of the equation 5x-6k = x-5k-1 about X is also a positive integer, and find out the solution of this equation. How many such K are there?

The solution of 5x-6k = x-5k-1 is x = k-14, when k = 5, x = 1; when k = 9, x = 2; as long as k-1 is a positive integer multiple of 4, the solution of the equation is a positive integer solution, so the value of K is innumerable