What is compaction coefficient

What is compaction coefficient

Compaction coefficient refers to the ratio K between the dry density of the site sample and the maximum dry density of the sample obtained from the compaction experiment. The compaction quality of the subgrade is expressed by the construction compaction degree K (%). The embankment, cutting and embankment base should be compacted. The significance of compacted soil foundation: the research shows that the function of compacted soil foundation is to improve the compactness of the soil, reduce the permeability of the soil, and reduce the rising height of capillary water, Compaction principle: to change the structure of soil by mechanical method, so as to improve the strength and stability of soil foundation. The internal factors affecting the compaction degree of soil foundation are mainly water content and soil properties. The external factors include compaction function, compaction tools and methods
At least 0.9 should be pressed, generally 0.93 should be taken in architectural design. Compaction coefficient means the proportion of relative theoretical compaction, 1 is complete compaction (of course, this is impossible)

How to calculate the amount of loose soil when the compaction coefficient of earthwork backfill is 0.93

According to the drawing calculation or actual field measurement calculation; for example, if 100 cubic meters of earthwork need to be backfilled, natural dense earthwork = 100 × 0.93 = 93 cubic meters in other places is enough. If 100 cubic meters of excavated earthwork (NATURAL dense earthwork) are used to fill back and forth, only 93 cubic meters of earthwork need to be backfilled, and the remaining 7 cubic meters of earthwork can not be used, Must be handled separately, shipped out, etc

After calculation, the solid volume of backfill is 4934.412 cubic meters, and the compaction coefficient in the drawing is 0.93. How to calculate the amount of virtual soil to be backfilled?
My current situation is like this: after the foundation pit is excavated, the excavated soil is piled up in the yard. Considering the need for backfill in the future, I need to know how many empty squares are needed and whether the earthwork can be balanced

In short, the compaction coefficient is the ratio of the compacted volume to the natural volume, not the virtual volume. The virtual volume is the loose earthwork, which is the earthwork piled up after excavation
So you can only calculate the natural side is 4934.412 * 0.93 = 5305.8194

Who has the definition of compactness, compaction coefficient and compaction density
There is also a connection between them

Density degree refers to the proportion of the volume of the solid part of the material to the total volume, which indicates the degree of solid filling in the volume of the material, that is, reflects the density of the material. It is calculated according to the following formula: D = V / V 0 × 100% = (ρ 0 / ρ) × 100%. The compaction coefficient refers to the compaction of the subgrade