How many stones are used in the pyramid of Khufu A more accurate number

How many stones are used in the pyramid of Khufu A more accurate number

The body of the tower is made of 2.3 million stones. The stones of different sizes weigh from 1.5 tons to 160 tons. The total weight of the tower is about 6.84 million tons

What is the structure of pyramid?
According to what level? Is the Pharaon the top? There is mysterious power in it. What is it? It is said that it has something to do with the discovery of alien creatures by ancient humans. Is it true? What is the connection between the pyramids?

Among the seven wonders of the world, the pyramid ranks first. So far, our understanding of the pyramid is nothing more than speculation
 the early pyramids were ladder like, such as the pyramids of chiapus and hafra, with only a smooth layer of plaster outside. The original intention of this kind of ladder like architecture may be to send a ladder to the late ruler to ascend to heaven
, He is a wise monarch, a brave soldier and a man of extraordinary reproductive function
 some research experts believe that the stones in the pyramid contain a set of mutually related codes of numbers, sizes, weights, angles, temperatures, orientations, geometric problems and cosmic information. Others believe that it is a solar observatory, Pyramids have a physical effect on living and non living things. Some people even make money from them. A businessman in California made many small pyramids, saying that they can accumulate energy. In his model pyramid, grass seedlings grow fast, and dogs will get used to vegetarianism after a few days. Dentists hang 72 small pyramids on the operating chair, so patients feel less pain, In Romania, pyramid shaped devices are used to sterilize water. It is found that in pyramid shaped buildings, crying children will soon calm down, patients will sleep well, women's menstrual bleeding will be reduced, people's minds will be clear, and sexual function will be improved
At the beginning, when archaeologists first opened the coffin of King chiapus, they found only a small statue without a mummy. In the history of Egyptian Archaeology, only the mummy of Tutankhamun, who died at the age of 18, was found. So far, the mummies of other ancient kings have not been found, After the death of the Pharaoh, he should be promoted to heaven, so the priest quietly moved his body elsewhere. To support this conjecture, archaeologists found that in a hole on the Bank of the Nile, there were almost all the mummies of the Pharaohs during the new kingdom. 20 mummies were piled up like firewood, and their coffins were empty. Were the pyramids built by slaves? Not necessarily, The order of the Pharaon was God's will. A village inhabited by craftsmen was found near the pyramids. There were thousands of craftsmen living there, and the food and accommodation conditions were fully guaranteed. According to this, they were wage laborers, not slaves
As an old saying goes, time is afraid of pyramids. Today, there are doubts about the correctness of this saying. The local authorities in Egypt now not only prevent tourists from entering the pyramids and the Sphinx, but also prevent scholars from driving. Due to age, the spire of the chiapus pyramid has been worn off, forming a small platform with an area of no less than 10 square meters, The rich foreigners who like to climb the pyramids are two Arabs holding his hands, and the third Arab holding his feet to climb to the top of the pyramids. He can sit on the top of the pyramids and drink the coffee provided by his entourage. Before the last Czar Nicholas II ascended the throne, he first climbed the pyramid
The Egyptians have not allowed foreign scientists to dig by themselves, and a local family specializing in archaeological excavation has formed. Local inspectors are still staring at foreign scientists to prevent them from taking what they find out of the country. The Great Pyramid continues to be solemnly silent

How to build the pyramids in Egypt?
Construction plan of Egyptian pyramids

Who built it

How was the Egyptian pyramid built? How was it built?

There is no literature about the construction method of pyramid
1. With a huge lever, one section of the stone is tied with a rope, and the other end is lifted up by manpower, and then the stones are gradually piled up
2. Build a slope with soil and use wooden rollers to pull the stones up. The soil pile spirals around the pyramid. Some people think that the second method is a big problem, so it is speculated that the soil pile should be used first, and then the lever should be used
However, there are also other theories. In 2006, bar SOM, a professor of materials engineering at Dreiser University in Philadelphia, speculated that "when the ancient Egyptians built the upper layer of the pyramid, they poured concrete into the high mold instead of hauling the huge stones to the high place." (full text published in the Journal of the American Ceramic Association in December 2006). Of course, this theory has also been questioned by many people, On March 31, 2007, French architect Jean Pierre Hu Dan put forward the argument of "from the inside to the outside", that is to build an external slope on the outer wall of the great pyramid, and then build an internal spiral tunnel
Now some people think that the Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens, because they think that the ancients did not have such high wisdom to build such a great building. However, I strongly reject this view. Do we look down on our ancients? Are aliens better than us in all aspects? Pyramids are the crystallization of the labor and wisdom of the ancient Egyptian people, How can we deny them like this? Therefore, the pyramid must be built by human beings!