The number of a two digit number is 4 times that of a ten digit number, and the sum of the number of a two digit number and the number of a ten digit number is only a quarter of the two digits

The number of a two digit number is 4 times that of a ten digit number, and the sum of the number of a two digit number and the number of a ten digit number is only a quarter of the two digits

Let ten digits be x and one digit be x + 4
X = 4 (10 digits)
4 + 4 = 8 (bits)
The two digits are 48

If the absolute values of two numbers are equal, then the sum or difference of the two numbers is equal to 0, right?

The absolute value and the opposite number of junior high school mathematics problems are extremely anxious,
Er, the teacher said there was a five step formula. Hurry up, it's urgent
1. Represent the following numbers with the points on several weeks, and say the absolute value of these numbers:
-5. Three thirds, - 0.4, 0, 5, - 2
2. Given that the absolute value of a number is 2, find the number
3. Use the points on the number axis to represent the following numbers and write their absolute values:
0, - 2,7.3, half, - 3 and three fifths


If the absolute values of (3m + 6) &# 178 and n-2 are opposite to each other, then N-M =?

(3m + 6) &# 178; and / n-2 / are opposite numbers