A simplest true fraction, its denominator is expanded to 4 times of the original, the numerator is reduced to 1 / 7 of the original, and then it is reduced to 1 / 44 to get the original fraction The process is urgent

A simplest true fraction, its denominator is expanded to 4 times of the original, the numerator is reduced to 1 / 7 of the original, and then it is reduced to 1 / 44 to get the original fraction The process is urgent

The original fraction is set as X / y, the formula is: (x / 7) / (y * 4) = 1 / 44, and the technical result is x / y = 7 / 11

Little careless, multiply a number by 5 plus 26, mistake it as divide by 5 minus 26, the number is 74, how much is this number? Can you work out this problem

500 let this number be x, that is, X divided by 5 minus 26 equals 74, so that x divided by 5 equals 74 plus 26 (100) x equals 100 * 5 (500)

In calculating a number divided by 4 / 7, little careless calculated a number multiplied by 4 / 7, the result is 20, the correct result of this problem is ()

Correct results
=20 / 4 / 7 / 4 / 7

When calculating a question, Xiao careless mistakenly takes a number multiplied by 3 plus 20 as a number divided by 3 minus 20 to get 72. What is the number? What is the correct number?

A certain number is (72 + 20) × 3, = 92 × 3, = 276, the correct number is: 276 × 3 + 20, = 828 + 20, = 848