Four true fractions greater than one sixth and less than one seventh

Four true fractions greater than one sixth and less than one seventh

First enlarge their denominator to the same 6 / 42 and 7 / 42
The numbers between 60 / 420 and 70 / 420 are all zero
The numbers between 30 / 210 and 35 / 210 are

A number greater than one seventh and less than one sixth
How many scores are more than one seventh and less than one sixth?

So 13 / 84 is satisfied

As shown in the figure, the area of the overlapping part of the two rectangles is equivalent to one eighth of the area of the large rectangle and one sixth of the area of the small rectangle
What is the area ratio of small rectangles?

If the overlap area is 1, the large rectangle area is 8 and the small rectangle area is 6
The area ratio of large rectangle to small rectangle is 8:6 = 4:3

As shown in the figure, the area of the overlapping part of the two rectangles is equal to one sixth of the area of the large rectangle and one fourth of the area of the small rectangle, and the area of the shadow part is 224cm2. Calculate the area of the overlapping part

If the overlap area is xcm2, then the large rectangle area is 6xcm2 and the small rectangle area is 4xcm2. According to the meaning of the question, we can get: 6x-x + 4x-x = 224, the solution is: x = 28, answer: the overlap area is 28cm2