We know that the meaning of | 5 | = | 5-0 |, on the number axis, is the distance between the point of 5 and the origin (that is, the point of 0). For example, the meaning of the formula | 6-3 |, on the number axis, is the distance between the point of 6 and the point of 3. Similarly, what is the meaning of the formula | a + 5 | on the number axis?

We know that the meaning of | 5 | = | 5-0 |, on the number axis, is the distance between the point of 5 and the origin (that is, the point of 0). For example, the meaning of the formula | 6-3 |, on the number axis, is the distance between the point of 6 and the point of 3. Similarly, what is the meaning of the formula | a + 5 | on the number axis?

The distance between the point of a and the point of - 5 on the number axis;
Or the distance between the point of 5 and the point of - A on the number axis

We all know that | 5 | = | 5-0 |, which represents the distance between the point of 5 and the origin on the number axis, and the formula | 6-3 | represents the distance between the point of 6 and the point of 3, so the meaning of | a + 5 | on the number axis is

|a+5| =|a-(-5) |
So the meaning of | a + 5 | on the number axis is the distance between a and - 5

The absolute value of one number is twice the absolute value of another number, and the distance between two points on the number axis is 5, if the two points are on the opposite side of the origin
How many are these two numbers? I hope I can give the reason. It's urgent. Thank you

Let these two numbers be a and B. suppose | a | = 2 | B|
And | A-B | = 5
Because two points are on the opposite side of the origin, then a and B are different
Then a = - 2b
Then | - 2b-b | = 5
Then | B | = 5 / 3
Then | a | = 10 / 3
Because a and B are different
Then a = 10 / 3, B = - 5 / 3 or a = - 10 / 3, B = 5 / 3
These two numbers are - 10 / 3, 5 / 3 or 10 / 3, - 5 / 3

It is known that the opposite number of a is - 9, B is the absolute value of - 4, and C is the number represented by a point five units of length from the origin on the number axis. Find the absolute value of a + B + C

A = 9, B = 4, C = ± 5, so a + B + C = 18 or 8

What is the absolute value of the number represented by the point whose distance from the origin is four units of length on the number axis, what are the numbers represented, and what are their mutual relations?

The absolute value is 4, which means that the numbers are 4 and - 4, which are opposite to each other

What is the relationship between the absolute value of a number and the distance from the origin of the point represented by the number on the number axis

The greater the absolute value of a number, the farther the point represented by the number on the number axis is from the origin
The smaller the absolute value of a number is, the closer the point represented by the number on the number axis is to the origin

On the number axis, what are the numbers represented by the two points of unit length of the point whose absolute value is less than 3 and whose positive value is negative 2

On the number axis, the number represented by the two points of unit length of the point whose absolute value is less than 3 and where Li represents negative 2 is 0

On the number axis, the point with 3.5 unit length from 2.5 represents the number______ .

If the point is on the left side of 2.5, then 2.5-3.5 = - 1, if the point is on the right side of 2.5, then 2.5 + 3.5 = 6, so the number represented by this point is - 1 or 6

What is the meaning of the absolute value of a + 5 on the number axis?

︱ a + 5 = ︱ a - (- 5) ︱ represents the distance from point a to point - 5 on the number axis

What is the meaning of the absolute value of a + 5 on the number axis? I think there are two answers

|A + 5 | = a + 5 or - (a + 5)
The real number corresponds to the number axis one by one, so its meaning on the number axis is two points a + 5 away from the zero point