When calculating the division with remainder, the divisor 385 is wrongly written as 835, so the quotient is 30 more than the original, and the remainder is exactly the same. Find the divisor and remainder of this division formula

When calculating the division with remainder, the divisor 385 is wrongly written as 835, so the quotient is 30 more than the original, and the remainder is exactly the same. Find the divisor and remainder of this division formula

Divisor = (835-385) / 30 = 15
The remainder is: 10

A division formula with remainder, quotient is 4, remainder is 2, sum of divisor and divisor and quotient and remainder is 118, what is divisor?
We need the formula and the answer

If the divisor is x, the divisor is 4x + 2
The divisor is 22

What is the relationship between divisor quotient and remainder in division with remainder?

Quotient × divisor + remainder = divisor

It's hard to simplify the evaluation!
Where x = - 1 / 2
Is there a simpler one?
be careful
X = negative 1 / 2


First simplify, then evaluate
If √ (x-1) - √ (1-x) = (x + y) & # 178;, first simplify and then evaluate: (1 / 2x) - {1 / (x + y)} {X & # 178; - Y & # 178; + (x + y) / 2x}

√ (x-1) meaningful X-1 > = 0
√ (1-x) meaningful 1-x > = 0
Y = - 1

First simplify, then evaluate: (3x + 4x2 − 1 − 2x − 1) △ x + 2x2 − 2x + 1, where x is the integer solution of the inequality system x + 4 > 02x + 5 < 1

(3xx + 4x2x + 4x2x2 {1-2x2x {1) (3xx + 4xx + 4x2x2 {2x2} 2x + 2x2 (2x + 2x2x2 {2x + 2x2x2} (2x + 2x + 2x2 (2x + 2x {(2x + 4x + 4x2x2 X2X {(2x + 2x2x2} (2x + 2x + 2x + 2x + 2 (2x + 1) (x + 1) (x + 1) (x {(x} (1) one) 2x + 2 (2x + 2) 2x + 2 (2x + 2 = 2x + 2x + 2) (x + 1) (x + 1) (x}) is the answer: from the solution of (1) 1) from (1) 1) 1, and the solution from the solution of the solution of (1) from (1) 1) 1) from (1) 1) 1) the solution set of inequality system is - 4 < x < - 2, and its integer solution is - 3. When x = - 3, the original formula = − 3 − 1 − 3 + 1 = 2

Simplification before evaluation
Where a = (radical 2) + 1

Substituting a is worth:
Original formula = 2 * (radical 2)

Calculation or simplified evaluation (1) calculation 7 - (- 4) + (- 5)
(- 2) 3 power * 8-8 * (2 / 1) 3 power + 8 divided by 8 / 1

Square of (√ 3 + 1 + √ 3-1),
How does the square of (2 √ 3) come from?

Square of (√ 3 + 1 + √ 3-1)

Use calculator to evaluate separately (accurate to 0.1)
(1) Tan 50 degree; (2) Tan 32 degree 17 degree; (3) Tan 85 degree 15 degree; (4) Tan 67 degree 54 degree 41 two degree

You just want the answer, right?
I don't want to take a screenshot. The answer is from Casio calculator (accurate to 0.1)
Tan50 = 1.2
Tan 32 degree 17 degree = 0.6
Tan85 degree 15 skim = 12.0
Tan 67 degree 54 skim 41 two skim = 2.5