The edge length of cube abcd-a1b1c1d1 is a, and the area of triangle ab1d1 is calculated The edge length of cube abcd-a1b1c1d1 is a, (1) the area of triangle ab1d1, (2) the area of triangular pyramid a1-abd, (3) the sine value of the angle between straight line AC1 and plane ABCD

The edge length of cube abcd-a1b1c1d1 is a, and the area of triangle ab1d1 is calculated The edge length of cube abcd-a1b1c1d1 is a, (1) the area of triangle ab1d1, (2) the area of triangular pyramid a1-abd, (3) the sine value of the angle between straight line AC1 and plane ABCD

1. Ab1 = AD1 = b1d1 = root 2 × a, area is a ^ 2 / 2 × root 3
2. The volume of a1-abd is a ^ 2 / 2 × a × 1 / 3 = a ^ 3 / 6
3. CC1 ⊥ ABCD, AC1 length is a × root 3, so the sine value is 1 / root 3

It is known that the edge length of the cube abcd-a1b1c1 is a, and its four non adjacent vertices a, B1, C and D1 form a tetrahedron. The volume of the tetrahedron is calculated
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It is easy to get that the side length of the regular tetrahedron is √ 2a, but it is easy to get that the distance between the point B1 and the point D and the plane ad1c is equal. The cube diagonal b1d = √ (a ^ 2 + A ^ 2 + A ^ 2) = √ 3a, so the height of the regular tetrahedron = √ 3A / 2, and the area of the base of the regular tetrahedron = (1 / 2) · (√ 2a) · (√ 6A / 2) = (√ 3A ^ 2) / 2