Read the words, find the rules, and write a few more 1. Presenting the dyke cave, I found that the meaning of the two words that make up these three words () I also know such words: (), (), ()

Read the words, find the rules, and write a few more 1. Presenting the dyke cave, I found that the meaning of the two words that make up these three words () I also know such words: (), (), ()

1. Presenting the dyke cave, I found that the two words that make up these three words have similar meanings. I also know such words: (inquiry), (joy), (accumulation) and awareness

Read words, find rules, and then imitate them
The quintessence of Peking Opera

Rules of words: subject predicate idioms
Imitation writing: the origin of family learning, the spring of withered wood, the Confucian traditional Chinese culture