It is known that one right side of a right triangle is 3 meters, and the corresponding angle of this right side is 18 degrees. Find the length of another right side and hypotenuse Is a right triangle, and the right side of the three meters is vertical, that is, how much is the length of a, B and C!

It is known that one right side of a right triangle is 3 meters, and the corresponding angle of this right side is 18 degrees. Find the length of another right side and hypotenuse Is a right triangle, and the right side of the three meters is vertical, that is, how much is the length of a, B and C!

Bevel C = 3 / sin18 = 9.708 (m)
The other right angle side B = 3 / Tan 18 = 9.233 (m)

The two right sides of a right triangle are 18 decimeters, and the area is


If a right triangle has two right sides, a = 2, B = 3, find the area of the right triangle

Area = 2 x 3 divided by 2 = 3
Let's share the same bed
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