Guangming primary school built a semicircular flower bed along a wall. The fence around the flower bed is 31.4 meters long. How many square meters does the flower bed cover?

Guangming primary school built a semicircular flower bed along a wall. The fence around the flower bed is 31.4 meters long. How many square meters does the flower bed cover?

The radius of the flower bed is 31.4 △ 2 △ 3.14 = 5m
The area is 3.14x5 △ 2 = 39.25 square meters

A flower bed is surrounded by a wall. The fence around the flower bed is 46 meters long. How about the area of the flower bed? It's a trapezoid and 20 meters high

You are not quite the right conditions, ah, see you give the conditions can not make the answer
Is it an isosceles trapezoid, or a right angle trapezoid, or what else

The diameter of a round flower bed is 42 meters. Along its sideline, a rose is planted every 3 meters. How many roses should be planted?

14 × 42 △ 3 = 131.88 △ 3 ≈ 43 (trees) a: about 43 trees

Around a circular flower bed, a rose was planted every 2 meters. A total of 72 roses were planted. How many meters is there in a circle of this flower bed?

Perimeter (72 + 1) * 2 = 146m

A wire can just form a cuboid frame of 15m long, 7m wide and 6m high
So, how many meters is the edge length of this cube

Wire length = 4 × (15 + 7 + 6) = 112m
Cube edge length = 112 △ 12 = 28 / 3M

An isosceles triangle is formed by a piece of iron wire with a vertex angle of 60 degrees. The waist length of this triangle is 8 cm. What is the area of a square surrounded by this iron wire?
An isosceles triangle is formed with a piece of iron wire, and the vertex angle is 60 degrees. Xiaoming, the waist length of the triangle is 8 cm. If the iron wire is used to form a square, what is the area of the square?

An isosceles triangle with a vertex angle of 60 ° can be judged as an equilateral triangle. The length of the wire is 8x3 = 24cm, and e uses it to form a square. The continuous length of the square is 24g4 = 6cm, and the area of the square is 6x6 = 36cm2

A 12 cm long and 8 cm wide rectangular wire frame is re enclosed into a square: (1) how long is the wire? (2) What is the side length of a square?

① (12 + 8) × 2 = 20 × 2 = 40 (CM) a: the length of the wire is 40 cm. ② 40 △ 4 = 10 (CM) a: the side length of the square is 10 cm

Use a piece of iron wire to form a square with a side length of 8cm. If you draw it into a parallelogram, the area will be reduced by 12cm2. What is the height of the parallelogram______ cm.

(8 × 8-12) △ 8, = (64-12) △ 8, = 52 △ 8, = 6.5 (CM). Answer: the height of the parallelogram is 6.5 cm. So the answer is: 6.5

Use a piece of iron wire to form a square with a side length of 8cm. If you draw it into a parallelogram, the area will be reduced by 12cm2. What is the height of the parallelogram______ cm.

(8 × 8-12) △ 8, = (64-12) △ 8, = 52 △ 8, = 6.5 (CM). Answer: the height of the parallelogram is 6.5 cm. So the answer is: 6.5

Use a piece of iron wire to encircle a square with a side length of 8 cm. If you draw it into a parallelogram, the area will be reduced by 8 square cm and the parallelogram will be drawn
The height is () cm

What is the area of a square
8 × 8 = 64 (cm2)
What is the area of a parallelogram
64-8 = 56 (cm2)
What is the height of a parallelogram
56 △ 8 = 7 (CM)